The term “flash sight picture” can be traced back to Col. Jeff Cooper and his “Modern Technique of the Pistol,” … Continued

The term “flash sight picture” can be traced back to Col. Jeff Cooper and his “Modern Technique of the Pistol,” … Continued
Reloading a pistol is simple — take out the empty magazine and stick in a fully loaded one. But this … Continued
Even though our series on defensive shotguns more or less wrapped up earlier this year, we left a lot of … Continued
I’m often surprised by the number of supposedly “serious” shooters who have accumulated multiple handguns, ostensibly for self-defense, but don’t own … Continued
As expected, feedback has been divided on my last couple of videos about double action semi-autos. There has actually been more … Continued
In today’s installment of our ongoing series on using shotguns for self-defense, I’m looking at how to deal with recoil. … Continued
The first time someone pointed out that I had problems with my handgun grip was at Tom Givens’ Rangemaster Instructor Development … Continued