For anyone considering a shotgun for personal protection inside the home, the Remington 870 is an excellent choice… usually. The viability … Continued

For anyone considering a shotgun for personal protection inside the home, the Remington 870 is an excellent choice… usually. The viability … Continued
After laying out some of the key features of a home defense shotgun last week, I wanted to put them … Continued
In the last installment of our shotgun series, Kyle talked about how the defensive shotgun has evolved through history. Today, I’m picking … Continued
In my last defensive shotgun article, I discussed some of the advantages that the defensive shotgun platform holds over handguns … Continued
In our ongoing series on defensive shotguns, the topic of buckshot will likely come up frequently. For centuries, buckshot has been … Continued
“You’re standing in your bedroom doorway in your underwear in the middle of the night. At the end of a … Continued
The shotgun has been a ubiquitous home-defense tool for decades. There’s just something about that train-tunnel bore and the unmistakable … Continued