I know you’ve been on the edge of your seat hoping for Part 2 of The Quest for the Ideal … Continued

Steel Appeal
I like to believe that every shooter experiences certain milestones in their life that shape the way they choose to … Continued
I like to believe that every shooter experiences certain milestones in their life that shape the way they choose to … Continued
I know you’ve been on the edge of your seat hoping for Part 2 of The Quest for the Ideal … Continued
Most shooters tend to think of the firearm as being responsible for the accurate placement of bullets downrange, and there’s … Continued
In the fifth installment of our revolver series, we’re embarking on a mini-series within the series: finding the ideal concealed carry revolver. Last year, … Continued
As I was running some 9mm self-defense ammo through the chronograph the other day, I noticed something off about my … Continued
Hide your Glocks! Hide your Sigs! It’s Wheel Gun Wednesday! Every Wednesday, I’ll be exploring a topic related to revolvers as … Continued
A few of years ago, I read a short blog post by Todd Green entitled “Feelings”. It was about how it’s easy … Continued