If you hang around the concealed carry crowd for long, you’re likely to hear about the issue of “printing”. That’s the informal term that describes when the the outline of a gun is visible through a garment even though the gun is technically covered. This is generally considered a bad thing, and many people will go to great lengths to ensure that their carry gun isn’t printing before they venture out into public.
I remember the first time I carried after getting my permit almost a decade ago. I stuffed a S&W snubby into the inside pocket of a heavy wool coat and went to Target to buy a birthday card for a friend. Even though there was no possible way anyone could see even the hint of an outline of the gun through that coat, all I could think the whole time was, “Holy crap. I have a GUN in my pocket! Everybody knows and I will be shunned from society!”

After having taught concealed carry permit classes for a few years, I learned from former students that this sentiment is not uncommon among first-time carriers. Assuming you carry on a regular basis, the paranoid feeling eventually fades and stowing a blaster in your trousers every day becomes as natural as getting dressed in the morning. But for most people, there is still a lingering desire to avoid getting “made” and having someone accidentally discover there’s a holstered pea-shooter underneath your shirt.
Motives for wanting to be armed discreetly will vary from one person to the next and could be for social reasons, legal reasons, or to maintain a perceived tactical advantage. There are a few different ways you could potentially be “outed” as a CCW-holder, printing being just one of them, but its one that a lot of folks tend to be very cautious about. Oftentimes too cautious, in my opinion, because it often leads to them carrying a smaller or less powerful gun than they should, or to not even carrying at all. Chances are, you have little to worry about, and here are a few thoughts to consider to help put your mind at ease:
1. It’s not as obvious as you think
If you’re worried that the slight bulge in your shirt is really obvious when you’re looking down at it, be sure to check in a mirror. From a couple of feet away, it’s probably barely perceptible. So unless you’re trying to carry a six-inch revolver in a spandex tank-top, a slight protrusion from the base of the grip that looks huge to your eyes when looking down at it will most likely blend in from the perspective of the people around you.
2. Nobody’s looking
With belt holsters being the most common method for concealed carry, printing is most likely to occur around the body’s midsection. Fortunately, in our society it’s generally impolite to stare at other people’s “crotchal region” and most people have a sub-concious aversion to letting their eyes drift toward staring at a strangers belt line. Even if your gun is blatantly printing, few people in public will ever notice.
3. Printing rarely looks like a gun
So let’s say you’re printing a little and somebody happens to notice something a bit odd about the way your clothes fit. The average person is not trained to automatically think “gun” when they see a little wrinkle in someone’s shirt. If they even give it a second thought, they’re more likely to assume it’s something mundane like a belt buckle, cell phone, keychain, or a beeper (that is, if your town happens to be perpetually stuck in the year 1997.)
4. Nobody cares
The only people who automatically assume that any object concealed under clothing is a gun are other concealed carry permit holders, and they’re certainly not going to give you a hard time. Okay, maybe some cops will notice too, but unless you’re acting like a complete moron, 99.9% of LEOs out there aren’t going to hassle you for a little printing. It’s unlikely, though possible that a “bad guy” might notice the lump under your shirt, but chances are he’s looking for an easy target and not interested in getting into a wrestling match with you over what may or may not turn out to be a gun.
5. Know the Law
In states where open carry is prohibited, it’s often rumored that any degree of printing is illegal too, even with a concealed carry permit. In reality, this is almost never the case. Since printing is not a technical legal definition, it raises the important question of what exactly qualifies as “concealed”. Laws vary from state to state, but in most places, as long as you’re making a legitimate effort to keep the gun concealed from the average untrained eye, you shouldn’t have to worry about printing. There’s a lot of overblown misinformation out there on this issue, so be sure to get your facts about state and local carry laws from a reliable source before making any assumptions.
6. Stop Touching It
If you’re overly concerned about printing, then you might be prone to constantly checking and adjusting your carry gun. More often than not, this will only serve to draw unwanted attention to your heater, not keep it hidden. As our pal Say Uncle is fond of saying, “stop touching it“. If you behave as if nothing is there, then most other people will too.
As always, a good holster and solid gun belt are key to maximizing the comfort and concealability of your carry gun. The setup should keep the grip of the gun close to your body to avoid excessive printing, and to keep the gun from moving around. Of course, you’ll probably have to “dress around the gun” to some degree, which may require going up one pant size, and avoiding excessively tight clothing. But with decent gear and some common sense, printing shouldn’t be much of a concern for the average legally armed citizen.
Great article? Question, how did you get into teaching cpl classes. I'm looking into it myself.
Great advice!
nrainstructors.org on the top righthand side of the page under "general information" there's a tab labeled become NRA certified instructor. The prerequisites aren't difficult, just time consuming!
Solid advice for new (and not-so-new) CHL holders. I know I went through this phase.
Good advice.
good information, thank you
It varies from state to state. In NC where I taught, you needed the NRA basic pistol instructor certification (or equivalent military credentials) and then an additional CCW instructor class through the state DoJ. Find out which gov't department administers the carry program in your state and they should have the info on the process for becoming an instructor.
I wish we had some instructors in our area. I only have 38 revolvers and would love to have a 380 Body Guard, but I'm just not sure how to work it, so I stick to what I know.
Great article? Question, how did you get into teaching cpl classes. I’m looking into it myself.
nrainstructors.org on the top righthand side of the page under “general information” there’s a tab labeled become NRA certified instructor. The prerequisites aren’t difficult, just time consuming!
It varies from state to state. In NC where I taught, you needed the NRA basic pistol instructor certification (or equivalent military credentials) and then an additional CCW instructor class through the state DoJ. Find out which gov’t department administers the carry program in your state and they should have the info on the process for becoming an instructor.
nra has training courses you can take, along with ngra [national gun rights association]
i was trained by a ngra course and was very happy with it
Great advice!
Solid advice for new (and not-so-new) CHL holders. I know I went through this phase.
Thanks, Kurt. Do you use the pink Jeep as a misdirection tactic?
lol…that's what my purse is for…
Good quality holster that fits you and you gun correctly makes it less noticeable. I fell more awkward when I don't have it.
Good advice.
I stopped carrying about printing before I started concealing… I open carried cross draw on the front of my pants with an extra magazine before i concealed, and I realized that %98 of people I talked to had NO idea I was carrying a gun. At one point I apologized about so blatantly open carrying to someone I was talking to to see if they noticed, and they looked down, and their eyes got as big as saucers.
Our world is complacent my friends. Carry full sized, and just stop worrying. People will pick you out quicker if you are acting odd or trying to hide something than they will if your "concealing" a 870 in your shorts lol
Bottom line, wear what is comfortable, train drawing, and keep your mind on the next point of cover and concealment.
good information, thank you
I wish we had some instructors in our area. I only have 38 revolvers and would love to have a 380 Body Guard, but I’m just not sure how to work it, so I stick to what I know.
a .380 in most cases is under powered ,, you can get 9mm in a small version ,, much more stopping power and isnt that the idea to stop someone
I carry the ruger sp101… in my opinion the .38 has better stopping power than a .380, but any cal is better than nothing..
The two previous responders are correct that the .380 is somewhat under powered compared to a .38 or 9 mm, but it is still a good conceal carry gun. Go with what YOU are comfortable with. As to working it, read the manual, watch some videos on semi’s, practice with dry fire for awhile and head for a shooting range. My wife has a Bodyguard and loves it.
I love my 5 shot Springfield XDs .45 ACP and extra magazine.
Somewhat agree with the .380 being under powered. Fact is it will still stop the threat, rather have the .380 and hit my target than a .357 and miss on followup shots. So many people say the .380 is crap. Still cant find anyone that wants to get shot with one. Carry what you shoot well.
Ann the 380 Body Guard is a great carry gun.I carry mine in my pockets of both my shorts and jeans. Yes the 380 is a smaller gun but you have to go with what is good for you, not them.
I have both a Ruger LC9 and an LCP 380. I love both of them but my daily carry is the 380. The slight difference in bulk and weight is amazing over the course of a day. The LCP slips right into my pocket and just looks like a larger cell phone. I prefer not to have the holster issues required by the LC9. To each his (or her) own!
Check out new Glock 42 its a nice 380 Walther has a nice PK380 but Glock smaller I like them both I have a 9mm for colder months 380 summer
I carried my 1911 for years and today I carry a reliable .380. yes I know it’s under powered but it’s cheaper and I’m not as concerned about it getting worn out by the constant stresses of concealed carry and lets be honest, if someone draws a Gun, no matter what it shoots, your still going to be scared.
I think we have taken these caliber wars way to far.
I just don’t know that much about the 380 type of guns and wonder if they would go off easier if I carried one in a flashbang with one in the chamber???? I ALWAYS carry a .38 and feel pretty safe and secure with it, its just as I said, heavy and bulky to carry in the flashbang. Thanks for all the help guys.
get a 9 mm and an inside the belt…. versa vary… nobody can tell
.380 is not under power. relax dude
380 is perfect. the body guard has a short sight radius and is a good close up gun but distance shooting beyond 15 feet for a causal shooter will take practice. carry on
.380….guess you just buy this ammo……. http://www.luckygunner.com/380-acp-102-gr-bjhp-remington-ultimate-defense-20-rounds
Ann I carry a .380 I’m only 5ft & 150 it’s perfect does take sometime to get used to using however before my ccw I carried a .40 so the little one I kept slicing my thumb open when I first got it.
If you can learn to drive a car, you can learn to safely operate a pistol. It’s not that hard.
9mm is the lowest I care to go, but a .380 on my person beats a .45 in my safe at home. Anything is better than nothing.
Best wishes!
Go to a range and rent one. They will show you how it works. Try it out and see of you like it.
I carry the SCCY CPX 2 9mm small, light, and good stopping power. Good price too
John Wahl You put 2 .380 rounds in the chest and one in the face it works just fine
Want to know the perfect carry round? Its the one that you can shoot comfortably, accurately, and consistently. No round is a good one if you can’t get it on target! On the note of carrying a revolver have you considered a carry purse such as those sold by gun totten mamas?
John Wahl I sure as heck wouldn’t want to be shot with one! They may have a little less velocity than a 9mm, but the slug is the same size and I’ve seen a .380 hollow point explode a watermelon. At close range, a .380 is quite deadly.
For those saying .380 is under powered. A correctly placed shot with a .22lr will take one down. Learn to shoot and place your shots. Learn to shoot in different positions and angles. Learn to shoot with opposite hand. Get out of your comfort zone. Ann Strength Childers. Any reputable dealer should be able to show you how to use a semi automatic weapon. If you have a Gander Mountain with shooting range they have classes as well.
The bodyguard slides into your pocket, easy yo conceal
I have a Bodyguard .380 that I carry every day. It might be underpowered but if you hit what you are aiming at it doesnt matter.
lol…that’s what my purse is for…
A guy should just stuff his cod-piece and look proud.
Good quality holster that fits you and you gun correctly makes it less noticeable. I fell more awkward when I don’t have it.
I stopped carrying about printing before I started concealing… I open carried cross draw on the front of my pants with an extra magazine before i concealed, and I realized that %98 of people I talked to had NO idea I was carrying a gun. At one point I apologized about so blatantly open carrying to someone I was talking to to see if they noticed, and they looked down, and their eyes got as big as saucers.
Our world is complacent my friends. Carry full sized, and just stop worrying. People will pick you out quicker if you are acting odd or trying to hide something than they will if your “concealing” a 870 in your shorts lol
Bottom line, wear what is comfortable, train drawing, and keep your mind on the next point of cover and concealment.
I used to be in the goth scene back in HS and have Tripps, the pants that have all the chains and stuff on them. The deep pockets make for concealing even a .357 mag easy. The only one who will know, is you.
870 lol! “Is that a… giant steel tube in your pants? Jesus Christ! Why didn’t you tell me you broke your leg???? Come here have a seat!”
Michael Giza haha i found your comment. lol but no with tripps people will already picture you as someone with a gun. so when i wore tripps with my ccw, i just open carried it
Patrick Deats As a law abiding citizen there is a certain image you should maintain when out in public. most people these days have sensitive eyes and when those eyes combine an image of a pistol with a form of goth dress. they have a tenancy to become worry some . Our goal as gun owners is to educate people and renew the image of gun owners. I’m not bashing you for your dress in anyway. You are a free american. i have no anger or hatred toward you based on your dress. Because i understand that that gun is not gonna jump out of it’s holster and start going off by itself your gun is only gonna be an issue if you try using it against me. and i certainly don’t provoke confrontation.. But those libtards and sheeple think that your gun will go off by itself. So it’s just the thought that majority of the time if you open carry. It’s often a better idea to dress slightly formal or what would be perceived as ”appropriate” or ”respectable” by those with lower I.Q.’s than the rest of us.
I to could care less. But check your state info especially if you travel. Most Conceal states (ones that do not allow open carry) if you don’t show due diligence to conceal, it can be considered brandishing if someone complains.
check your messages
A guy should just stuff his cod-piece and look proud.
Great article!
Yea I have that problem caring mine I feel weird somebody going to notice
'Banded Bottom' pull over shirts work really well…in dark colors as well.
Great article!
Yea I was at a men's discussion group once and got " made" I was wearing a light Red Sox top and I must have printed the way I sat down . I noticed the guy looking at me funny and after the meeting had the nerve to touch my side. I wanted to punch his face for that
Yea I have that problem caring mine I feel weird somebody going to notice
‘Banded Bottom’ pull over shirts work really well…in dark colors as well.
Yea I was at a men’s discussion group once and got ” made” I was wearing a light Red Sox top and I must have printed the way I sat down . I noticed the guy looking at me funny and after the meeting had the nerve to touch my side. I wanted to punch his face for that
Great article, I went through all of that. One thing not addressed is my initial paranoia over being hugged while carrying. I was afraid someone would feel it and know. What I've found out since is that in nearly every case where someone has touched my piece they thought it was a cell phone or something like that.
Great article, I went through all of that. One thing not addressed is my initial paranoia over being hugged while carrying. I was afraid someone would feel it and know. What I’ve found out since is that in nearly every case where someone has touched my piece they thought it was a cell phone or something like that.
I used to worry about that too, but most people that I’m on a “hugging basis” with already know I carry. But the occasional ambush hug from someone outside of the circle of trust has not yet resulted in me being outed. I’ve also had strangers accidentally bump into it in crowded places, but like you said, I’m sure most assume it’s a cell phone or belt buckle.
I’m a black belt so when hugging people I don’t want knowing about my weapon I direct their grab away from my item with out making it obvious. Just a little bump is usually all it takes and totally explainable. Or I’ll cross plane my arms so my strong arm (draw arm) is underneath and they don’t even get close to it. Small of the back carry just go underneath with both arms and you will stay hidden. (EDC 5 in 1911)
LG Chris “Is that a pistol in your pocket or are you just glad to see me.” Reportedly, Mae West spoke the line to an escorting LA police officer who met her at the LA railway station in February, 1936. The line was repeated in her final film Sextette (1978) to co-star George Hamilton.
In my case, ab carry, a hugging friend thought it was a brace and she’s aware I carry all the time, but still thought it was just a brace. Well….kinda…. 😉
I used to drop my right (gun-side) arm under, but I don’t even do that now. Nobody notices, even when they “hug” the gun itself; even had one jump on me, wrap her arms and legs around me (long time/no see, very dear friend), with the gun squeezed between her thigh and my hip as she hugged me like a monkey on a tree, and she didn’t notice. All this, and almost everybody I meet “assumes” I carry – I suppose because of my personality or disposition, I don’t really know. But one of my dearest/oldest friends still thinks I use a shoulder rig (never have) so I guess it’s hidden enough.
I have this problem because I don't usually wear loose shirts. I am self conscious, but I'm still willing to carry.
About the only people that are going to notice are ones that are looking for it to begin with.If you have shirts that have prints (think like camo for people) that will minimize it even more.
I have this problem because I don’t usually wear loose shirts. I am self conscious, but I’m still willing to carry.
Check out this: FLASHBANG HOLSTER …… just google it
good advice
About the only people that are going to notice are ones that are looking for it to begin with.If you have shirts that have prints (think like camo for people) that will minimize it even more.
Check out this: FLASHBANG HOLSTER …… just google it
How's this for not printing?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cmdhz0PPYg&feature=youtube_gdata_player
good advice
How’s this for not printing?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cmdhz0PPYg&feature=youtube_gdata_player
a .380 in most cases is under powered ,, you can get 9mm in a small version ,, much more stopping power and isnt that the idea to stop someone
nra has training courses you can take, along with ngra [national gun rights association]
i was trained by a ngra course and was very happy with it
Brandon Jackson
I carry the ruger sp101… in my opinion the .38 has better stopping power than a .380, but any cal is better than nothing..
Brandon Jackson
A good article, for sure… but can we please stop referring to our handguns as a 'heater'? It's almost as bad as 'gat'.
The two previous responders are correct that the .380 is somewhat under powered compared to a .38 or 9 mm, but it is still a good conceal carry gun. Go with what YOU are comfortable with. As to working it, read the manual, watch some videos on semi's, practice with dry fire for awhile and head for a shooting range. My wife has a Bodyguard and loves it.
All good advice. I rarely worry about printing because the only people who will be looking for it are trained professionals.
I love my 5 shot Springfield XDs .45 ACP and extra magazine.
I carry a Kahr Pm9 in my cargo pants I forget it is there. My family says it kicks to much. I want something that kicks if the stuff hits the fan. I have carried for 10 years I was made once by a cop who said he could see the butt, because the velco came lose on my vest. For different mods of dress,I have 4 favorite holster. Do not carry with out a pocket holster! Anything in your pocket could pull the trigger. For pocket carry i have only the gun in that pocket
I carry an XDS .45 in the appendix IWB carry position, have a tucked in T-shirt. No one even knows its there. Zero printing, just tuck your shirt and pull it out just enough to take out the tension.Carry 24/7.
i always wear bigger t shirts if im carrying
with the right ammo the 380 has more knock-down power than the 9 mm. i use the personal defense ammo for my nine which is 147 grain
Somewhat agree with the .380 being under powered. Fact is it will still stop the threat, rather have the .380 and hit my target than a .357 and miss on followup shots. So many people say the .380 is crap. Still cant find anyone that wants to get shot with one. Carry what you shoot well.
"That's my insulin pump. And yes, I'm self-conscious about it. Thanks for noticing."
Another good idea, wear a looser shirt…
Exactly my prepared reply in case I print bending over for some canned goods on the bottom shelf. Or TENS unit, or colostomy bag, or some vague "well, after the next surgery I can hopefully do without that".
And as has already been mentioned, most people these days are preoccupied with their cellphones, or searching for something in the store, looking down at their feet as they walk or in some other way not paying attention.
You don't like "heater", but no objection to "pea shooter", "blaster", or "crotchal region"?
True, and I think they typically have better things to worry about anyway.
LG Chris lol, I don't really care for blaster either. Pea shooter is pretty harmless… and what's wrong with a crotchal region? 😛
I used to worry about that too, but most people that I'm on a "hugging basis" with already know I carry. But the occasional ambush hug from someone outside of the circle of trust has not yet resulted in me being outed. I've also had strangers accidentally bump into it in crowded places, but like you said, I'm sure most assume it's a cell phone or belt buckle.
Good info thanks!
Excellent advice.
I think this is a(normal) paranoid new carrier thing!!! I don't look for any printing myself,couldn't care less! I'm sure I probably thought in my mind the same way back then though,but after 25 years of carrying concealed,it's like second nature to me. It has become as necessary to my family's safety as my belt to hold up my pants!! I forget its there,but always remember it is there in case it's needed.I also hope I never will…
Very helpful thanks for the tips
After 3 years of ccw I dlon't even think of it.. it's like it's part of my body. i carry at 3:00 where it csn be pulled into the contour of my side. my 38 is never seen or printed.
What???? Wear a looser shirt??? In this day and age??? You must be joking! 😉
I agree with all that said
When I was street policing one of the first things we learned was that 1) bad guys don't use holsters, and 2) the less experienced ones are constantly checking their "gat". So we quickly learned that if we saw a young punk who was looking nervous and constantly grabbing around his waist, in the, say, appendix region, he was someone we might want to have a chat with.
FNX-45 auto. Carry everywhere I go even at work. No one ever notices it or asks me about it
Ann the 380 Body Guard is a great carry gun.I carry mine in my pockets of both my shorts and jeans. Yes the 380 is a smaller gun but you have to go with what is good for you, not them.
The only time someone noticed I was carrying was when I tried to hide some printing by holding a booklet in my hand. Rather than hide it, I drew attention to it. The guy was cool about it as he said, "Do you keep your gun loaded?" No more worrying about minor printing.
I fish without a shirt on with my kahr cw9 IWB in my shorts in a belly band. I just pull the shorts up and over it. No one sees anything.
That's with an extra mag too.
Open carrying eliminates this "problem."
A good article, for sure… but can we please stop referring to our handguns as a ‘heater’? It’s almost as bad as ‘gat’.
You don’t like “heater”, but no objection to “pea shooter”, “blaster”, or “crotchal region”?
LG Chris lol, I don’t really care for blaster either. Pea shooter is pretty harmless… and what’s wrong with a crotchal region? 😛
I would never call it a heater. I prefer burner.
Ryan Waitz I must be Very Old School… how about”Smoke Wagon.”
LG Chris I’ve always preferred the term “roscoe.” But then I’m an old-fart revolver guy.
I have both a Ruger LC9 and an LCP 380. I love both of them but my daily carry is the 380. The slight difference in bulk and weight is amazing over the course of a day. The LCP slips right into my pocket and just looks like a larger cell phone. I prefer not to have the holster issues required by the LC9. To each his (or her) own!
I looked like the guy on the right when I carried my P220 OWB. Nobody noticed or cared enough to say anything, including the cop who was behind me in line at starbucks. Hell, I open carry at work and some people don't even notice until I mention it first.
Most people just aren't paying attention.
All good advice. I rarely worry about printing because the only people who will be looking for it are trained professionals.
True, and I think they typically have better things to worry about anyway.
Had the same concerns but eventually went away. A good article for every newbie
Had the same concerns but eventually went away. A good article for every newbie
I carry a Kahr Pm9 in my cargo pants I forget it is there. My family says it kicks to much. I want something that kicks if the stuff hits the fan. I have carried for 10 years I was made once by a cop who said he could see the butt, because the velco came lose on my vest. For different mods of dress,I have 4 favorite holster. Do not carry with out a pocket holster! Anything in your pocket could pull the trigger. For pocket carry i have only the gun in that pocket
I rarely cover mine. I usually just open carry and most people either don't notice or don't care. I've open carried in lots of businesses, including malls and liquor stores. The liquor stores always resulted in a conversation about guns and I've seen a few of the employees' carry weapons.
I rarely cover mine. I usually just open carry and most people either don't notice or don't care. I've open carried in lots of businesses, including malls and liquor stores. The liquor stores always resulted in a conversation about guns and I've seen a few of the employees' carry weapons.
Very good info some of which I never thought about.
Very good info some of which I never thought about.
I carry an XDS .45 in the appendix IWB carry position, have a tucked in T-shirt. No one even knows its there. Zero printing, just tuck your shirt and pull it out just enough to take out the tension.Carry 24/7.
i always wear bigger t shirts if im carrying
Fuck that if and when I get mine it’s goin right on my thigh
Excellent article for the newly licensed CCW/CHL individuals; and honestly I was having "stage fright" when started carrying!!
Excellent article for the newly licensed CCW/CHL individuals; and honestly I was having "stage fright" when started carrying!!
with the right ammo the 380 has more knock-down power than the 9 mm. i use the personal defense ammo for my nine which is 147 grain
I'm a black belt so when hugging people I don't want knowing about my weapon I direct their grab away from my item with out making it obvious. Just a little bump is usually all it takes and totally explainable. Or I'll cross plane my arms so my strong arm (draw arm) is underneath and they don't even get close to it. Small of the back carry just go underneath with both arms and you will stay hidden. (EDC 5 in 1911)
I'm a black belt so when hugging people I don't want knowing about my weapon I direct their grab away from my item with out making it obvious. Just a little bump is usually all it takes and totally explainable. Or I'll cross plane my arms so my strong arm (draw arm) is underneath and they don't even get close to it. Small of the back carry just go underneath with both arms and you will stay hidden. (EDC 5 in 1911)
Can Can Concealment Check out the website
Can Can Concealment Check out the website
“That’s my insulin pump. And yes, I’m self-conscious about it. Thanks for noticing.”
Exactly my prepared reply in case I print bending over for some canned goods on the bottom shelf. Or TENS unit, or colostomy bag, or some vague “well, after the next surgery I can hopefully do without that”.
And as has already been mentioned, most people these days are preoccupied with their cellphones, or searching for something in the store, looking down at their feet as they walk or in some other way not paying attention.
Yea, I call it my Glock portable pancreas
Now I want someone to call me out for carrying just so I can say this.
I use colostomy bag.
Anti zombie defense mechanism!
Bob Hurley “The doctor told me I’d only have to wear these until after the surgery.” One of my favourite lines! Skip to 1:00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j93GN5K-Rfg
Funny, I actually have an insulin pump. (though it’s on the opposite side of where I carry).
“Oh, that’s my OTHER insulin pump. ” 🙂
Tell them it’s a colsimy bag
No one has ever said anything, but I always said that this would be my excuse! Not that I need an excuse!
That’s my colostomy bag…I just pooped…
Colostomy Bag would probably stop any further questions lol
I’ve thought of saying “it’s my colostomy bag. now, I’m embarrassed… “
Yea, I call it my Glock portable pancreas
Yea, I call it my Glock portable pancreas
Another good idea, wear a looser shirt…
What???? Wear a looser shirt??? In this day and age??? You must be joking! 😉
Check out new Glock 42 its a nice 380 Walther has a nice PK380 but Glock smaller I like them both I have a 9mm for colder months 380 summer
Check out new Glock 42 its a nice 380 Walther has a nice PK380 but Glock smaller I like them both I have a 9mm for colder months 380 summer
Good info thanks!
Excellent advice.
I think this is a(normal) paranoid new carrier thing!!! I don’t look for any printing myself,couldn’t care less! I’m sure I probably thought in my mind the same way back then though,but after 25 years of carrying concealed,it’s like second nature to me. It has become as necessary to my family’s safety as my belt to hold up my pants!! I forget its there,but always remember it is there in case it’s needed.I also hope I never will…
Very helpful thanks for the tips
After 3 years of ccw I dlon’t even think of it.. it’s like it’s part of my body. i carry at 3:00 where it csn be pulled into the contour of my side. my 38 is never seen or printed.
I agree with all that said
When I was street policing one of the first things we learned was that 1) bad guys don’t use holsters, and 2) the less experienced ones are constantly checking their “gat”. So we quickly learned that if we saw a young punk who was looking nervous and constantly grabbing around his waist, in the, say, appendix region, he was someone we might want to have a chat with.
FNX-45 auto. Carry everywhere I go even at work. No one ever notices it or asks me about it
The only time someone noticed I was carrying was when I tried to hide some printing by holding a booklet in my hand. Rather than hide it, I drew attention to it. The guy was cool about it as he said, “Do you keep your gun loaded?” No more worrying about minor printing.
Sound advice, enjoyed article however my concern on printing was short lived. Carrying for me is as natural as falling off a log.
I fish without a shirt on with my kahr cw9 IWB in my shorts in a belly band. I just pull the shorts up and over it. No one sees anything.
That’s with an extra mag too.
Open carrying eliminates this “problem.”
nice 1
I looked like the guy on the right when I carried my P220 OWB. Nobody noticed or cared enough to say anything, including the cop who was behind me in line at starbucks. Hell, I open carry at work and some people don’t even notice until I mention it first.
Most people just aren’t paying attention.
Great article! I went through this phase in the beginning as most CWP holders do.
Had the same concerns but eventually went away. A good article for every newbie
I rarely cover mine. I usually just open carry and most people either don’t notice or don’t care. I’ve open carried in lots of businesses, including malls and liquor stores. The liquor stores always resulted in a conversation about guns and I’ve seen a few of the employees’ carry weapons.
When someone is considering robbing you they will give you a look see ahead of time if they have the chance. When they see that your carrying that is an opportunity for them to steal your weapon and maybe even use it against you. It’s better to have it as a surprise to use when the least expect it. That’s why I like concealed carry better than open.
Very good info some of which I never thought about.
Excellent article for the newly licensed CCW/CHL individuals; and honestly I was having “stage fright” when started carrying!!
Can Can Concealment Check out the website
Sound advice, enjoyed article however my concern on printing was short lived. Carrying for me is as natural as falling off a log.
nice 1
Great article! I went through this phase in the beginning as most CWP holders do.
A bloodclot in the heart or brain will drop someone, why do you think a small caliber will not do the same? Anyone shot with a .22 .25 .32 .380 in the heart lungs or brain will drop. More accurate shots can be fired consecutively than with larger calibers. And there is really very little difference between a .380 and a .9mm when it comes to being shot…a bullet is a bullet.
In Texas the statute for failing to conceal is based upon "intent." Printing, bulging, riding up don't count under the statute. INTENT must be proven – hard to do if one makes an effort to conceal. Concealment does not equal invisibility. Your mileage may vary.
Cant believe all the morons that think a .380'is underpowered. A .380 is a short 9mm. Same diameter round. The round is not meant to punch a hole in plate steel. At a 7 meter draw with hollow points the .380 will do just about the same amount of damage, do you research. Same can be said for 9mm, that is a weak round compared to a .40 cal. The .380 for a pocket gun is a great self defense weapon, unless you think you need a concealed that wil punch a hole in an engine block.
Good read and right on the money
My biggest problem has been that my two yr old comes running up and throws himself at me for full-contact hugs. Multiple times now, he has smashed his forehead into the grip, which is at JUST the right height to leave a mark. And we just had to have a discussion with the 5 yr old about not pointing out the "no guns" signs and saying (very loudly), "Mommy, you can't wear your gun in here!"
I've been carrying for 40+ years and still am conscious of printing. There are some new carry options on the market that work very well in concealing your weapon.
I carried my 1911 for years and today I carry a reliable .380. yes I know it's under powered but it's cheaper and I'm not as concerned about it getting worn out by the constant stresses of concealed carry and lets be honest, if someone draws a Gun, no matter what it shoots, your still going to be scared.
I think we have taken these caliber wars way to far.
Link to relevant Texas penal code: http://law.onecle.com/texas/penal/46.035.00.html
Yeah, I know it's not very "operator" of me, but I don't carry in my house and one of the reasons is that my kids would be constantly injuring themselves when they run into me at full speed.
Wrong post, buddy. We finished the Great Caliber War of 2014 a few weeks ago.
Thanks for pointing that out, Craig. Here's a great article on that very topic that I ran across when I was researching this post: http://www.multibriefs.com/briefs/exclusive/changes_in_texas_chl_law_2.html#.U8U-cfldVBm
Only other CPL holders really notice.
A bloodclot in the heart or brain will drop someone, why do you think a small caliber will not do the same? Anyone shot with a .22 .25 .32 .380 in the heart lungs or brain will drop. More accurate shots can be fired consecutively than with larger calibers. And there is really very little difference between a .380 and a .9mm when it comes to being shot…a bullet is a bullet.
Wrong post, buddy. We finished the Great Caliber War of 2014 a few weeks ago.
Thanks, Kurt. Do you use the pink Jeep as a misdirection tactic?
Now I want someone to call me out for carrying just so I can say this.
LG Chris I carry as long as I am awake. 😀
In Texas the statute for failing to conceal is based upon “intent.” Printing, bulging, riding up don’t count under the statute. INTENT must be proven – hard to do if one makes an effort to conceal. Concealment does not equal invisibility. Your mileage may vary.
Thanks for pointing that out, Craig. Here’s a great article on that very topic that I ran across when I was researching this post: http://www.multibriefs.com/briefs/exclusive/changes_in_texas_chl_law_2.html#.U8U-cfldVBm
LG Chris Thanks Chris. Very helpful.
LG Chris Thanks Chris. Very helpful.
LG Chris "Is that a pistol in your pocket or are you just glad to see me." Reportedly, Mae West spoke the line to an escorting LA police officer who met her at the LA railway station in February, 1936. The line was repeated in her final film Sextette (1978) to co-star George Hamilton.
Great Advice. Thank you.
I use colostomy bag.
Good read and right on the money
My biggest problem has been that my two yr old comes running up and throws himself at me for full-contact hugs. Multiple times now, he has smashed his forehead into the grip, which is at JUST the right height to leave a mark. And we just had to have a discussion with the 5 yr old about not pointing out the “no guns” signs and saying (very loudly), “Mommy, you can’t wear your gun in here!”
Yeah, I know it’s not very “operator” of me, but I don’t carry in my house and one of the reasons is that my kids would be constantly injuring themselves when they run into me at full speed.
LG Chris I carry as long as I am awake. 😀
Lol this was an issue for me also. only i carried. owb and my sisters little chihuahua would jump onto the couch next to me as i sat down. Arrrr arrr arrr arrr arrra !! Tha’ts one reason i don’t like little dogs.
Helena, that’s kind of funny, I was laying down a while back and my boy came in and flopped down on me and hit his head on the corner of my Glock’s slide (those of you who know Glocks, know they are square and bulky) he gave himself a nice little knot on the back of his head, anyway I affectionately refer to his head as my Glock-knocker now…
Helena Zielinski, I thought those “no guns” signs were shorthand for “no waving your guns around”. I try to remember not to do that when I see those signs…
Center of back carry works well for this and will allow him/ her to still show their love.
Until you get knocked down and get a spinal injury. Center of back carry is worse place (well prob not the worse). Maybe off to one side. Versacarry is a piece of crap, never put anything in your barrel. One guy did a review and mid review it snapped in half. Pure junk. Get yourself a well made good holster for your pref of carry and it’s worth it. I use a StealthgearUSA IWB holster for my .40 XD subcompact with no issues and it’s not in the way for any of my friends kids or such as I carry it 4-5 o’clock position.
yeah i agree,,, have a uncle that is a retired medically police officer that had a revolver in his mid back and was running after a suspect slipped and feel on his back and paralyzed his self… mid back is the worst to carry. i just show my kids and tell them not to do that because it will hurt you both… it took my son 3 times to figure it out and my daughter once… lol keep your pistol where your comfortable and where you train to draw it mostly…
Kurtus Orealous Maximus That is a good idea, and I have tried it myself. I found it is not comfortable for me to carry or to draw that way. I have just gotten into the habit of, when I see him coming, turn my body slightly to make sure he contacts with the side opposite the holster.
Helena Zielinski What I’ve found (After many years in many places) is center carry with the but toward your grip hand (right handed, grip toward right). That way you sweep your hand (knuckles against skin) and pull right out. The Versa Carry system is real nice for this or a IWB holster from Savoy Leather (they will also put a second mag holder in it for you) http://www.savoyleatheronlinestore.com/in-the-waistband-conceal-carry-iwb/
Kurtus Orealous Maximus That was how I carried it. It was okay when I was standing or walking, but I sit at a desk for much of the work day, so it was not a good carry position for me. Thank you for the info, though.
I like it.
She should scream and say, “You’re right, we must take our business elsewhere.”
Its a flash bang bra holster
I wish i could get a flash bang holster for my gun. I use the sccy px2 and wish there was a gun similar enough that i could use the flash bang. Does anyone know what would work?
contact them they can make u a custom one to fit anything my wife has a g43 with a laser and they made one for her…. they ladies that own the company are awesome and will work with you. they only make the popular guns but can make anything u need!
I’ve been carrying for 40+ years and still am conscious of printing. There are some new carry options on the market that work very well in concealing your weapon.
Link to relevant Texas penal code: http://law.onecle.com/texas/penal/46.035.00.html
Great article Chris. The little Czarina and I are going through this phase now, and it's been a little difficult to work around, but this will help ease the self consciousness quite a bit. Inside the waist for me at 4 O'clock works real well even with a T-shirt. I look like your picture, but sometimes to me I feel like that little bulge feels like a Mosin 91/30 in my pants!
Only other CPL holders really notice.
I used to be in the goth scene back in HS and have Tripps, the pants that have all the chains and stuff on them. The deep pockets make for concealing even a .357 mag easy. The only one who will know, is you.
870 lol! "Is that a… giant steel tube in your pants? Jesus Christ! Why didn't you tell me you broke your leg???? Come here have a seat!"
Michael Giza haha i found your comment. lol but no with tripps people will already picture you as someone with a gun. so when i wore tripps with my ccw, i just open carried it
Great Advice. Thank you.
Being fit also helps. The smaller your waist relative to your chest the more room between your waist and a normal shirt for your pistol and the less you'll print (athletic fit is another matter altogether).
Nobody cares a whit here. Open carry is in our state Constitution and plenty do it. I carry concealed in town but it's nice to have the option of removing my covering garment, which I do when we go inside and it's warm. Nobody ever even looks twice.
Winter helps too.
Great article Chris. The little Czarina and I are going through this phase now, and it’s been a little difficult to work around, but this will help ease the self consciousness quite a bit. Inside the waist for me at 4 O’clock works real well even with a T-shirt. I look like your picture, but sometimes to me I feel like that little bulge feels like a Mosin 91/30 in my pants!
The biggest problem my father and I have is we have gotten fat over the years and printing stands out more then it did when we were in the Army. Any advice on that? FYI I use two shirts to help conceal but here in Southern Georgia it get's too hot to keep doing that all summer.
I just don't know that much about the 380 type of guns and wonder if they would go off easier if I carried one in a flashbang with one in the chamber???? I ALWAYS carry a .38 and feel pretty safe and secure with it, its just as I said, heavy and bulky to carry in the flashbang. Thanks for all the help guys.
The insulin pump explanation is the best! That would be my go to reply. Hasn't been necessary yet. Ha
Being fit also helps. The smaller your waist relative to your chest the more room between your waist and a normal shirt for your pistol and the less you’ll print (athletic fit is another matter altogether).
Winter helps too.
Or the bigger the boobs…..the easier to conceal, ab wise.
Damn, another. reason to exercise.
Nobody cares a whit here. Open carry is in our state Constitution and plenty do it. I carry concealed in town but it’s nice to have the option of removing my covering garment, which I do when we go inside and it’s warm. Nobody ever even looks twice.
Wish we had same laws in New York!
Why, yes….I am excited to be here….how YOU do'in?!
Wish we had same laws in New York!
Fuck that if and when I get mine it's goin right on my thigh
Wear a bigger shirt…
The biggest problem my father and I have is we have gotten fat over the years and printing stands out more then it did when we were in the Army. Any advice on that? FYI I use two shirts to help conceal but here in Southern Georgia it get’s too hot to keep doing that all summer.
Size 3XL helps. Seriously. Open up a button down shirt and throw it over a T shirt. Make sure that the button up dress shirt is made from light weight breathable material for keeping your cool.
I tried wearing a 2XL T shirt and my gun still printed with an IWB holster worn at 4:30. It’s hard to hide the handle on the Ruger LC9S Pro.
The insulin pump explanation is the best! That would be my go to reply. Hasn’t been necessary yet. Ha
It's my PDA. (Personal Defense Assistant)
Why, yes….I am excited to be here….how YOU do’in?!
Wear a bigger shirt…
It’s my PDA. (Personal Defense Assistant)
I think more about what's going on around me then I do about imprinting. I wear a shirt one bigger and I can't see
get a 9 mm and an inside the belt…. versa vary… nobody can tell
I think more about what’s going on around me then I do about imprinting. I wear a shirt one bigger and I can’t see
When someone says “are you carrying a gun” the reply is “are you talking about my insulin pump (pats hip where gun is)?” That way, because I don’t have an insulin pump, I’m not lying, I’m just asking a question. If they persist and are a representative of ownership/management of the property I say “does the boss not allow guns here?” and if they are pushy and say “show me your gun” (which has never happened to me) just say “If I were carrying, that would be probably illegal” then I ignore them.
BTW, in TEXAS I believe the law was recently changed to reflect that people who unintentionally reveal their gun are not breaking the law. i.e. reaching for something on the top shelf or bending over etc…
I like the stop touching it part.
I have a holster that fits right inside my fly and looks like I have a large package.
It’s not a gun, I’m just happy to see you. 😉
Great piece of information
I have been carrying concealed for 29 years. 18 in Florida. Tell you what. You are not going to win any fashion shows. Tight clothes are out when you carry concealed. You have to wear baggy shirts and comfortable pants if you dont want to print.
Just move to Kentucky! you can carry open.
Very good and informative article .. Thank you
I have found that if you wear a shirt that has some sort of print on it, it acts like camo and breaks up the outline of the gun making it less noticeable.
That’s why I often wear Hawaiian shirts over my T-shirts.
I use a Sneaky Pete holster that looks like an oversized cell phone case. It has a flap held shut with magnets so opening it is totally silent. Essentially my 9mm hides out in plain sight. It’s not for speed draws but nobody has ever questioned it.
Будь уверен в себе,остальное само приложится.
Very good article! Most people I know including me go do the wal-mart walk thier 1st time concealing! You really do get that “they know I’m carring” feeling that 1st time.
I always carry a roll of quarters with me… just in case. By the way, it’s nice seeing you!
Excellent, helped me quite a bit since I recently got my permit.i usually wear more baggy attire.
Thanks again
I mostly open carry, that being said, nobody even notices. I once spent 24 hours at a in laws house and their liberal sister didn’t notice till I was leaving………
Colostomy bag, want a lawsuit! Lol
very informative very well written
In Illinois the law says “Mostly Concealed” I was always worried about it in March when I got the permit but now its no big deal I use the “Tall” length shirts and when I tuck it in I have a bit of material to Blouse over it and I have had conversations with people about the whole conceal carry deal and they never knew I had one on me.
Alabama has an open carry law and I do open carry an M-1911-A1, “but you only have 8 rounds” yes you are correct but only in the magazine thats in the gun, I also carry ( open ) a 10 and an 8 round magazine, plus one in the chamber, that’s 27 rounds of 230gr copper jacketed serrated hollow points, I think that should cover most any situation, Hell most people don’t even see it anyway
if someone does notice just say “oh I am sorry does my colostomy bag bother you?”
Is that a Barrett 82A1 in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Mine is colostomy bag. Want to see?
One reason I cannot wait to get my G42. My G19 on my tiny body is waaay too noticeable, no matter where I put it.
G26 is lots smaller
I wouldn’t go to a 380. Pick the smallest 9mm you can find.
buy a stick on colostomy bag and stick it on above your pistol…LOL so you wanna check out my shit???
colostomy bag, people look at me like I said plague. It works they go away fast.
It’s some young green horns that works for the city that has no clue what the gun laws are! This is no joke! That’s a very scary and dangerous think also!
I guess people are too busy looking at my service dog than they are at the gun on my hip. Depending on where I am is what holster I am using. If I am someplace where I know 100% sure I am not going to end up near any of those anti gun places, then I have no problem with my Bulldog holster, And since open carry is allowed in my state, I have no issue if it prints or it’s right out there in the open. If I am going someplace where seeing my gun is likely to get somebodies tighty-whities in a bunch, it’s the Sticky holster. I am considering one of the belly belt holsters and/or a fanny pack.
São lindas essas armas para matar vagabundos
Porque usted no hablo Inglés?
That should be “hablA”…
Your right. It’s been a few years since I could speak and write spanish.
He was talking portuguese, not spanish.
He commented something along the lines of “Those guns are beautiful to kill criminals”. LOL
Try a Walther PPS. Nobody sees it ever and it shoots o so good and is very high quality. This article makes me want to try concealing a full size 17 round M&P 9mm though.
“What’s the matter, you’ve never seen a colostomy bag before?”
Thank you for answering a major concern of mine, thanks..
Oh that’s my colostomy bag,its all good. Wanna see
I don’t have a ccw permit, but tell me why I would be concerned with people knowing it’s there?
Some people feel it’s an advantage if nobody knows you have a gun. The idea is that an open carrier may be robbed of his/her gun if a criminal knew they had it (and could theoretically sneak up and grab it). This has happened before, but it’s rare. Another reason to carry concealed is to not worry people around you (who may be anti-gun). Think of the man who was attacked in a Florida Walmart for carrying a gun. Lastly, some states do not allow open carry, and some even prohibit printing.
in Minnesota it is illegal to cause fear in someone. So if you are printing or (God forbid) “brandishing”, and someone gets fearful – even without what a jury would call “reasonable cause” for fear – you will be talking with police & possibly an attorney. Life is just simpler if nobody knows for sure “does she or doesn’t she?” 🙂
Act normal
Received my CCL today. Have not carried yet and yes this is a concern of mine. Took your Dec 13 class. Thanks for a great class. I will now be able to join the ranks of legal and responsible carriers.
I was nervous as heck the first time I went out. I am a large person and I usually just wear jeans and a t shirt. My carry pistol is a Glock 17 so I am like buying shirts a size larger just to have the loose effect. I remember I was shopping once and I reached up to get something on the top shelf and up goes my shirt. The lady next to me just smiled and patted her purse and kept shopping.
My husband and I are first time concealed carry…I have an issue about the showing of the gun through my clothes….I am a husky girl…I get clothes way to big to make sure my gun doesnt show…does anyone else do that?
I’ll generally go up a waist-band size when carrying moreso for comfort than concealment. I agree that most people aren’t even paying attention, so if there is a little printing, it’s not really a big deal. If I feel like it is too noticable, I just open carry!
Good info. and it makes a lot of sence.
Agreed, I have had two IWB holsters for concealed carry: a Galco and an Uncle Mikes. Having worn both for some time to give them a fair shake I despise the Uncle Mikes. It sits too high in the waitband, does not control the gun, and often will come unclipped from my belt, especially in the car. The right holster makes a world of difference.
Retired cop here; Check out Bell Charter Oak. A guy by the name of Left Lewis makes quality leather holsters at a competitive price, many different designs to suit different needs. I carry a S&W 442 in an IWB holster and it really sits deep and comfortable.
The other option, if someone mentions your printing, just say “oh, yeah, I’m soo paranoid I carry a pistol everywhere” then laugh it off. They usually laugh it off too, if they are anti-gun. If they aren’t, they might give you a dirty look, but you’re still on the same side as them anyways.
I’m a retired cop and carry a Govt mod 1911. I use an Alien Gear holster. Very comfortable. Adjustable height and cant. Very smooth to draw from and because of the way it’s built it helps to conceal. I have been using this holster for nine months now and love it. No printing problems here.
The Alien Gear Super Tuck 3.0 is very nice.
I had my shirt accidentally caught on the grip the other day when I was coming out of a movie theater (which doesn’t allow guns–though it’s not illegal per se). In FL, it’s too hot to wear much more than a T-shirt most of the time, but the laws are pretty lax in that accidentally exposing it isn’t “brandishing” and even having a bulge isn’t illegal as long as it’s not completely gun shaped and obvious (from what I understand).
in summer I am on pocket gun … small j-frame in the front pocket with a kydex trigger guard cover and a lanyard. I add a roll of medical tape into the same pocket, in front of the trigger guard, and it diffuses the print well enough to be hard to make out. The medical tape also comes in handy after you shoot someone, just kidding, my contribution of dark humor.
Cleveland holster IWB leather ……I carry a full sized Taurus .45
Aliengear IWB and 3.8″ Sprinfield XDm .45 with high capacity mag…nobody gives me a second look. The patriotic tattoos on my right arm get more attention (and I CCW on left because I’m a lefty).
Aim small miss small doesnt just apply to shooting. By maximizing the concealment of your firearm, you minimize the risk that it’s identified by a criminal prior to a situation in which you would need to utilize said firearm. Obsessing over printing is a good thing.
yes and no… I have 13 pistols and 400 holsters and still no solution in sight 😉
The Well Armed Woman makes an amazing concealable holster that, of course can be carried by men as well. I absolutely love my “Old Glory” Printed holster with my S&W Shield 9mm.
I used to worry about printing and thought that EVERYONE around could tell that I was carrying. I then did the Walmart Walk and realized quickly that the only one who cared… was me.
Is that a pistol or are you just glad to see me…?
appendix carry right there 😉
Great post about a subject that is rarely covered, but everyone talks about. Glad to see you address this in such a matter-of-fact fashion,while providing factual info to dispel a lot of the misinformation out there. The “printing issue” is also used a lot in advertising for concealed carry weapons, so hopefully this post will help some people make more informed decisions when they get ready to purchase their main carry weapon.
I think in the beginning everyone is a bit paranoid about carrying that handgun concealed, and it is natural to feel that way. I actually have 3 carry guns. I carry depending on what I am wearing. This summer I have been carrying my Ruger LCR .38 special. I use a IWB holster with two belt clips. I find this keeps the handgun in place without a lot shifting. it also gives a good stable base to draw from. (a king tuck holster is a good example) The LCR I can effectively conceal while wearing shorts and a T-shirt. I also have a Glock G27, and a Commander size 1911.That I can carry in the same manner at any time. It depends a lot of what kind of activities I am doing.
My biggest advice is to spend the money buy a good holster. I see to many people that will pay $800 for the handgun that they want, and have researched to put it in an inferior holster. I am not just talking about nylon holsters, there are cheap leather holsters out there I wouldn’t have.
Ankle holster works for me. Not overly accessible, true. But you know guns – there is always a compromise.
I’ve been carrying a nylon double spare mag holder EXPOSED on my off side belt for 13 years and no one has ever seemed to notice except 1 rookie Homeland Security Cop while I was at a TEA Party Rally standing on the sidewalk beside a Cutoms facility. I was discreetly approached by his Supervisor, and all was well in the neighborhood. I told his Supervisor the kid needed a raise.
Nice article. If you carry at the 4:30 – 5 o’clock position, even a fairly large compact (e.g. the SIG P-250) will not print, especially if you have selected a decent leather/kydex holster designed specifically for that gun. And the nice thing about these specialty holsters is that they tend to be on the low side of the price range.
Good article, still valid another year later.
Sorry for posting on an old article, but figured people are still finding & reading this…
I _vehemently_ disagree with your #4. The problem is not Mr General Public (who aren’t going to notice) or Mr Officer (who, at worst, will make sure you are a legitimate licensee). The problem is that your gun is a desirable item for criminals, and it’s far easier for them to plan and execute a sudden attack on you than it is for you to defend against it, especially in a fairly crowded place. That’s why open carry is great in some peaceful rural setting in Texas, but would be suicidal in Detroit bad neighborhoods. Concealment & not letting the bad guy know that you’re armed and where your firearm is on you are extremely important. I am not a very young or a particularly strong person, but given a piece of rebar, the element of surprise and a relatively crowded street where I could approach someone from behind without them noticing (how often do you look behind your shoulder when a stranger passes you in a mall ?), I could probably knock out pretty much anyone without them ever seeing it coming. And a criminal would be far better at this.
I don’t disagree with that, but I think you’re referring to a different scenario than what I described. I’m supposing a pistol that just protrudes slightly from the clothing so that an astute observer may notice that *something* is there but can’t tell what it is. If you’re printing so badly that it’s painfully obvious you’re carrying a gun, that’s a problem, and a magnet for trouble.