What is Lucky Gunner Labs?
Back in 2012, the team behind the online ammo store Lucky Gunner recruited some shooters to help start Lucky Gunner Labs — essentially a research division tasked with finding answers to some of the more difficult questions commonly asked in the shooting community, even if that meant investing hundreds of man-hours into research and experimentation.
The Labs has turned out some awesome projects like the now-famous 40,000-round brass versus steel cased ammo test and ballistics gelatin testing for nearly 150 self-defense handgun loads. To fill the gaps between the release of the major research project results, Lucky Gunner Lounge started in 2014 as a more conventional blog with product reviews, shooting tips, and resources for personal protection. Over the last couple of years, the Lounge has taken over the lion’s share of Lucky Gunner’s blogging resources, but you never know when a new Labs project might be in the works behind the scenes.