LuckyGunner Labs, among other things, is tasked with experimenting and testing various topics related to ammunition and then reporting the results back to you, our dear readers.  We thought we’d take some time today to share some insights into our biggest ongoing experiment:  delivering the best experience available to customers who purchase ammunition online at

Our team loves data – lots of it.  It helps us make decisions, improve the customer experience, and navigate an ever-changing landscape.  The last year has been a wild and interesting one for our team and along with our loyal customers, data is right up there on the list of things that has helped us improve and endure.  With that in mind, we thought you guys might like to come “behind the scenes” and learn from the data we have access to every day.

All the information we’ll be sharing today comes from Google Analytics – which isn’t perfect, but it’s good, consistent, and an industry standard.  We hope you’ll find it interesting and worth sharing. Please keep in mind that the percentages in the right columns below indicate that row’s percentage of the annual total. So, without further ado:

Our Customers

Many of you may be surprised that we receive more traffic from California than any other state in the Union  (even after a slight decline last year) – I know I would have guessed Texas, right?  Can anyone guess who #11 is (feel free to answer in the comments)?

Ammo Sales by State

Not surprisingly, it was a tough year for Microsoft and Firefox and a win for Google and Apple.

Ammo Sales by Browser and OS

Ammo Sales by Operating System

The mobile landscape has changed dramatically in the last 12 months.  We’ve gone from 13.6% of our site visitors coming from a mobile phone in 2011 to a whopping 26.9% in 2012 – and growing.  It sounds like we need to listen to our customers and make our website more mobile friendly in 2013!  Here are some other interesting stats:

Mobile Device Ammunition Sales

Our Products

Spoiler Alert!  Before you read on, can you guess any of our top 10 products for 2012 or our top selling calibers?  Record your guesses in the comments below – and don’t cheat! ;-)

Unfortunately, we don’t have all this data for 2011 readily available so we’ll just show you the 2012 data:

Best Ammo Calibers

It’s no surprise that 9mm was #1 – don’t you own a 9mm handgun? That said, if we combined 223 and 5.56, the combined caliber would take the cake at 23.75%!

Best Ammo Products

Well folks, that’s it for 2012.  Did you find something surprising or interesting?  If so, please share it with your friends.  If you’re like us, you love learning about ammunition and the people who choose to purchase it online.  We can’t imagine anything more exciting to study and pursue.

Everyone at wishes you a happy and prosperous 2013.  We’ll be hard at work in this e-commerce laboratory trying new things, running experiments, pouring over data, and making decisions – all in hopes of delivering an even better customer experience than we did in 2012.  Please wish us luck!

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