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Posted On: 11/29/2022
By: Ed
A: Yes sir, there is an integrated power/volume knob on the side of one of the earcups.
Posted On: 4/26/2021
By: Stephen Bowers
A: Yes ma'am! The padded headband features telescopic height adjustment for a comfortable, customized fit.
Posted On: 4/22/2021
By: Stephen Bowers
A: Thanks for reaching out Stephen! These earmuffs are equipped with an electronic microphone. This lets it selectively block out certain sounds. If the sound is extremely noisy – like a gun shot – the microphone will instantly turn off so the earmuffs can fully muffle the noise. If the sound is quiet – like normal talking, or an animal snapping a twig behind you – then the microphone and its speakers will play that sound into your ears so you can still hear like you normally would without hearing protection. Very clever thing. Without batteries these earmuffs will function identically to any non-electric hearing protection.
Posted On: 12/26/2019
By: Steven Sidebottom
A: Hi Steven. The NRR is the Noise Reduction Rating. That is a numerical value that represents the effectiveness of a particular hearing protection devise. The higher the rating number, the more the device will reduce the level of sound that reaches the ear. Most effective protections is in a range from 16 decibel (db) reduction to a high of about 34. Anywhere in that area will protect your ears. Give me a shout if I can help you pick the best one for you. Ross