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Posted On: 3/16/2023
By: S.R. Scott
A: Thanks for reaching out S.R.! We must have had old data on our page – I've just updated the MV and ME to the data Barnes currently lists on their site. I'm sorry to hear that Barnes' primers left you in the lurch. I welcome you to leave a review on this page. I regret that there are several parts of our own country where we can't ship ammo to. Unless it undergoes a massive course correction, I do not expect the Canadian government to allow us to import ammunition any time soon.
Posted On: 10/12/2021
By: ken Borman
A: Like you, I wouldn't trust this particular bullet for Cape Buffalo or elephant, but African game does include several deer species which a 45-70 TSX load could humanely anchor.
Posted On: 9/30/2021
By: Don
A: Thanks for reaching out Don! I believe this ammo should be safe for your Trapdoor – but an antique demands absolute certainty. Please let me connect with my guy at Barnes real quick and see what he says. I'll relay his answer to you ASAP.
Posted On: 5/18/2021
By: Caleb
A: Thanks for reaching out Caleb! I'm nearly certain your new rifle would have zero issuesfiring this ammo. That said, I always want to make absolutely certain whenever there's a rifle on the line. I'm going to reach out to C. Sharps Arms and ask them their opinion. We don't have this ammo in stock right now, but I hope their answer proves helpful. I'll relay it over to you as soon as I hear from them!
UPDATE: Just heard back from C. Sharps – they confirmed your rifle will have no problems firing this ammo.