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Posted On: 3/22/2024
By: jimmy titsworth
A: Hello again Jimmy! My guy at Black Hills just confirmed that this ammo is indeed A-OK for a suppressor.
Posted On: 7/14/2020
By: garrett morley
A: Hi Garrett! Before I say anything further, please let me emphasize that I am not qualified to offer legal advice, nor is what I'm about to say intended to constitute legal advice.
In New Jersey it is illegal to carry hollow point ammunition for self-defense outside of your home. There are certain exceptions, and the NJPD does a better job of explaining your state's ammo laws than I could: That said, while this is not technically hollow point ammunition, it is designed to achieve the same effect as hollow point ammunition. Whether HoneyBadger ammo is thus bound by the rule or an exception to it is far beyond my grasp of New Jersey state law.
But in any event, we can certainly ship this ammo to you!
Posted On: 9/13/2019
A: Hi David. As with any subsonic ammo, you will have to try them in YOUR pistol to see if they will reliably cycle the gun. We have had no complaints of failures, but please try a small quantity before investing in a case lot!