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Posted On: 10/8/2022
By: Christopher
A: Thanks for reaching out Christopher. Everything you say you understand is correct. Federal Syntech Training Match ammo is matched to deliver the closest possible performance to the analogous Federal Personal Defense HST ammo. The ammo on this page, Federal Syntech Range, is not designed to be apples to apples the same. Its muzzle velocity is 40 fps lower, which is not an enormous difference all in all. To be fair, training ammunition is still effective for its purpose even when its performance is not identical to that of an analogous self-defense load, but I wholly empathize if you insist on it so you can benefit from the most realistic performance possible. I regret that we haven't got the Syntech Training Match you're looking for in our warehouse at the moment. We do update our inventory frequently, but the manufacturer's SKU is for that ammo is AE9SJ4 in case you'd like to look for it elsewhere. Sadly, availability these days does make it pretty difficulty to get precisely what you want at times.
Posted On: 3/28/2020
A: Great question, Joseph, and thank you for coming to us with it! You've got a very valid concern, and the bullet we would recommend as least likely to pose the threat of wall penetration is called "frangible." A frangible bullet is made of compressed powder instead of solid metal. When such a bullet makes contact with a hard surface it disintegrates instantly and completely. Frangible bullets are often used for training with steel targets in order to prevent dangerous splashback, and would be used for tactical applications such as neutralizing a threat in an airplane or nuclear power plant. Alternatively, #9 bird shot is highly unlikely to penetrate walls yet still has the power to neutralize a human-size threat at close range. If you're sticking with a handgun, however, we maintain that frangible bullets would be least likely to ruin your neighbor's commemorative plate collection.
Posted On: 3/28/2020
A: Thank you for the kind words, Lucas! To answer your question, no: This cartridge is 100 percent steel-free and will not attract a magnet. Its bullet is comprised of a lead core with a polymer jacket, and its shell casing is pure brass.