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Posted On: 2/10/2024
By: Kevin
A: No sir! This is standard pressure 9mm ammo, not +P or +P+. Your MAX-9 is designed to safely fire more powerful ammo than this. For reference, overpressure ammo should say +P or +P+ on its packaging.
Posted On: 4/28/2022
By: Mark DeChenne
A: Absolutely sir! MV = 1,090 fps; ME = 327 ft lbs.
Posted On: 12/3/2021
By: Tony
A: Thanks for reaching out Tony! SIG Sauer and Sierra have been known to work together in the past. Sierra makes the V-Crown JHP bullet for SIG's self-defense line of ammunition, for example. Sierra often uses SIG's brass to load their own ammo as well.
Posted On: 5/22/2021
By: Scott
A: Yes sir, absolutely. We will have to check your ID to make sure we're complying with MN state law, but once we've done so we can send ammo right to your doorstep. You can read more about our shipping service to MN here:
Posted On: 4/22/2021
By: Lisa Crespo
A: Thanks for reaching out Lisa! You certainly could, although I'd recommend FMJ ammo over JHP. JHP ammo is more expensive because its bullet is designed to expand inside of soft tissue. FMJ ammo's ballistic performance is virtually the same as JHP ammo, but its much simpler bullet design makes it more affordable. You'd only want to fire this ammo at arange if you wished to become more familiar with the subtleties of its recoil, point of aim and ballistic performance. If you're interested in more budget-friendly range ammo, then I'd recommend the Aguila we have in stock:
Posted On: 4/21/2021
By: Michael
A: Yes sir! We can only ship to FFL dealers in the state of New York, but there are two whom we ship to in your zip code. For more information about our shipping service to New York state, please go to this part of our site:
Posted On: 4/21/2021
By: Christina
A: Yes sir, this ammo should function correctly in all 9mm firearms including the G3c.
Posted On: 4/21/2021
By: Marco
A: Yes sir, there's zero reason why this ammo shouldn't function correctly in a SP9A1.
Posted On: 4/21/2021
By: Celeste
A: Thanks for reaching out Celeste! This is indeed high-quality ammunition, as Sierra is one of America's preeminent bullet manufacturers and their loaded ammunition is choice as well. There's nothing wrong with this ammo – no manufacturing defects, nothing out of the ordinary. We're just offering it at a discount!
Posted On: 4/21/2021
By: Jordan Muzzey
A: Thanks for reaching out Jordan! I'd expect more effective terminal ballistics for personal protection out of a carbine – that longer barrel's going to give the bullet a greater muzzle velocity and more energy with which to effect terminal expansion.
Posted On: 2/14/2021
By: Db
A: Thanks for reaching out DB! Sierra does in fact make the V-Crown JHP bullet for SIG Sauer. To my knowledge Sierra does not load V-Crown bullets in their own ammunition. But it is entirely possible that Sierra is using the same non brand name JHP bullets to load their own ammo as they would supply to SIG.
Posted On: 1/13/2021
By: Asher
A: I certainly would. This round's JHP delivers the expanding terminal performance you would want to rely on for quickly neutralizing a threat. Sierra, which is best known for making match grade competition bullets, loads high quality ammo as well.
Posted On: 1/11/2021
By: Martin
A: Thanks for reaching out Martin! I see no reason why your TP9SA should have any issue cycling this ammo.
Posted On: 1/11/2021
By: M
A: Absolutely, this ammo would make a good choice for self-defense with a Hellcat!
Posted On: 1/10/2021
By: Anthony
A: Thanks for reaching out Anthony! This ammo should function prefectly in a G19. Glocks aren't picky, and this is high quality ammo by a company that specializes in making match grade bullets.