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Posted On: 2/26/2021
By: Kurt Smythe
A: Yes sir, this ammo shouldn't give a VP9 any trouble at all. IMI is basically the Israeli equialent of our Lake City Army Ammunition Plant.
Posted On: 2/9/2021
By: Willy smith
A: Absolutely sir, this is exactly the kind of 9mm ammo the G17 likes to fire!
Posted On: 2/8/2021
By: Montez Swinney
A: Yes sir, absolutely.
Posted On: 2/6/2021
By: Austin
A: Absolutely sir, this ammo should function correctly in any 9mm handgun.
Posted On: 2/5/2021
By: Lou
A: It should, absolutely!
Posted On: 2/4/2021
By: Brian Quinn
A: Yes sir, this ammo should treat your P08 just fine. Georg Luger originally designed the handgun to fire a 124 grain FMJ bullet loaded to deliver a 1,050 fps muzzle velocity from a 4" barrel. We haven't yet determined this ammo's exact muzzle velocity, but in fact the P08 should fire any ball ammo like this just fine without risking damage. I'd only advise that you avoid +P ammo and JHP ammo, which may damage or fail to feed in the pistol respectively. (You'd do best to avoid 147 grain bullets as well.)
Posted On: 2/1/2021
By: Stephen Stillman
A: Sure thing Stephen! I'm happy to say your order is on its way, but I've sent your request over to our customer service team so they can resend your order confirmation. Please check your spam folder too if you haven't yet, it may have wound up there.
Posted On: 2/1/2021
By: James case
A: Thanks for reaching out James! We don't have a limit to how many boxes you can order, but we're only offering this ammo by the box at this time. (Actually, forgive me, but there is a 71 box limit to this ammo at this time.)
Posted On: 1/31/2021
By: Raya
A: Sorry Raya, but IMI Systems doesn't share their output capabilities with the public – including Lucky Gunner!
Posted On: 1/29/2021
By: Stephen Stillman
A: Thanks for reaching out Stephen! This ammo should work just fine in the 19X. I'd assume it's a lot like the ball ammo the Austrian military uses in their Glock 17 pistols, as a matter of fact.
Posted On: 1/26/2021
By: Stephen
A: "Israel Military Industries," although they now call themselves IMI Systems.
Posted On: 1/26/2021
By: Wanda Simons
A: Thanks for reaching out Wanda! The SD9 is chambered for 9mm. 9mm is also called 9mm Luger and 9x19, but they are all the same exact cartridge. We currently have one selection for 9mm in stock: This is FMJ ammunition for training, so it is not ideal for personal protection because it won't expand inside its target. You would want JHP ammo for self-defense. We do update our inventory frequently, though, so I hope you'll check back in again soon if you'd like something different!
Posted On: 1/25/2021
By: Stephen Winters
A: Thanks for reaching out Stephen! We haven't currently got that ammo in stock, but we do update our inventory frequently. I hope you'll check in again to see what elese we have in store for you!
Posted On: 1/25/2021
By: James Lacy
A: I am sorry sir! Though we'd like nothing more than to welcome you to our warehouse, we're just not set up to do in-person retail transactions. At the very least we can promise you very fast shipping.