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Posted On: 3/27/2022
By: Erm
A: Thanks for reaching out Erm! You can get your order's total cost before committing to anything by following these three quick steps:
Posted On: 3/25/2022
By: Richard Hewitt
A: Thanks for reaching out Richard! A full metal jacket (FMJ) has a lead core and gilding metal jacket. Its jacket covers the entire bullet with the exception of the base. This leaves the lead core exposed to hot propellant gasses, which means the heat of ignition produces vaporized lead that will (A) accumulate on the bore as fouling, and (B) go into your lungs. A total metal jacket (TMJ) also has a lead core and gilding metal jacket. However, the TMJ's jacket totally encapsulates its core, which leaves the heat of ignition incapable of vaporizing any part of the lead core. TMJ bullets are thus popular among shooters who wish to minimize bore fouling (which in turn preserves accuracy), as well as people who frequent poorly ventilated indoor ranges. The FMJ and TMJ offer practically interchangeable in-flight and terminal ballistics, although it should be noted that a bullet with a jacketed base (such as the TMJ) tends to offer slightly better accuracy because ignition does not in any way deform its exterior profile.