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Posted On: 9/12/2022
By: Francisco Hernandez
A: Thanks for reaching out Francisco! Like 9mm +P, 9mm M1152 is loaded to a higher-than-standard pressure and will accelerate wear and tear on your pistol. I expect its springs and locking block would be the first parts to wear out. That said, your M9 is an extremely rugged piece of hardware that will tear through several thousand rounds of this ammo without showing any obvious signs of damage. If you only run 500 rounds of 9mm M1152 through your M9, then I predict you'll note zero problems. I'd personally just advise against exclusively firing overpressure ammo like this, although replacing a $100 part is hardly an enormous inconvenience.
Posted On: 7/30/2022
By: David
A: Thanks for reaching out David! M1152 isn't specifically +P ammo, although its higher chamber pressure will in fact place greater stress on your handguns' moving parts and barrels. CZ pistols are rated for +P, so either of your pistols will safely fire M1152 ammunition as well. I'd just recommend against using it exclusively in order to minimize wear and tear on your pistols.
Posted On: 10/25/2021
By: Tim ash
A: Thanks for reaching out Tim! An EC9s can fire overpressure ammo like this without issue. Just take care that this ammo will accelerate wear and tear on any semi-auto's moving parts.
I'd like to add to your thoughts on this ammo's stopping power. To be sure, a bullet that hits its target at a higher velocity will inflict more damage to it. But this round's FMJ bullet is not designed for terminal expansion. Relative to a JHP, an FMJ is going to exert less energy outward, gouge a narrower wound cavity into soft tissue, and pose a higher chance of overpenetrating the threat to jeopardize an innocent bystander. The military is obligated to use non-expanding bullets during international warfare due to the Hague Convention. You, however, are not, so I'd advise that you favor JHP ammo for personal protection. (That said, I would not want to get shot with one of these cartridges.)
Posted On: 10/11/2021
By: Allan
A: Thanks for reaching out Allan! I don't have to tell you that you know your stuff – like you say, M1152 is pretty much analogous to 9mm +P as far as chamber pressure is concerned. You'll do right to treat this ammo like it's a SAAMI spec overpresure load.
Posted On: 10/9/2021
By: john
A: Yes sir, that's a tough handgun and it will safely fire 9mm +P and M1152 ammunition. Just take care that overpressure ammo like this will accelerate wear and tear on your XD-9's moving parts. You may consider outfitting your pistol with a stronger recoil spring for this ammo, but it isn't necessary for full functionality.
Posted On: 9/19/2021
By: Shannon
A: Thanks for reaching out Shannon! As you have gathered, M1152 ammo is loaded to a significantly higher pressure than your standard 9mm loads. For that reason I advise treating it like 9mm +P as far as pairing it with compatible firearms goes. Now, SIG says their firearms can handle +P ammo just fine right across the board, and M1152 will not damage your handguns either. That said, just take care that hotter ammo like this will accelerate wear and tear on your pistols' moving parts. It's not dramatic, and a few boxes will not hurt in any noticeable way, but exclusive use of this ammo would indeed wear down your springs and whatnot faster.
Posted On: 8/30/2021
By: Daniel Kwang
A: Thanks for reaching out Daniel! Both of your firearms should run this ammo without issue. It is "hotter" ammo and as such will generate a relatively high chamber pressure, but that won't damage such solidly built firearms. It may wear out their moving parts at an accelerated pace, however, so I'd advise not training exclusively with M1152.
Posted On: 8/22/2021
By: Brandon
A: Yes sir, a 9E is rated for overpressure ammo and will safely fire +P and M1152 ammunition. Just take care that this ammo will wear out a semi-auto pistol's moving parts faster, but not at too greatly an accelerated rate.
Posted On: 8/11/2021
By: Andrew Hoang
A: Yes sir, any handgun that is chambered for 9mm +P should safely fire M1152 ammo as well!
Posted On: 3/2/2021
By: Bill
A: Flat Nose Pros: Slightly more reliable feeding, cleaner hole through paper target
Round Nose Pro: Greater accuracy (although difference is so slight you probably won't notice it)
Really, the main reason to prefer a flat nose bullet is for shooting paper targets, since it punches a neater hole into the target. Makes it a lot easier to see your shot placement!
Posted On: 3/2/2021
By: Matt
A: One of the toughest 9mm pistols ever built! Your 5906 will handle this hotter ammo no problem.
Posted On: 2/4/2021
By: Rex
A: No sir, this ammo's for everyone!
Posted On: 2/4/2021
By: Michael Batur
A: Absolutely, the Security-9 should run through this ammo flawlessly.
Posted On: 2/3/2021
By: MB
A: Absolutely sir, the APX should handle this ammo just fine!
Posted On: 2/3/2021
By: Brandon Altland
A: Yes sir, your P938 should handle this ammo just fine.