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Posted On: 6/20/2021
By: Frederick Chase
A: Thanks for reaching out Frederick! I saw your other question and understand that you're debating whether to buy this or the M1152 ammo. I'd recommend going with this ammo for your P365. Your pistol is designed to safely fire more powerful M1152 ammo, but that round's increased chamber pressure is going to accelerate wear to your pistol's moving parts. It won't damage them outright, but you can expect M1152 to reduce your pistol's lifespan faster. The ammo on this page is standard ammo for target shooting, and it will give you a good feel for how 115gr self-defense ammo is going to handle as well.
Alternatively, I'd highly recommend Federal's Total Synthetic Jacket ammunition for your pistol. The TSJ bullet really helps to preserve a pistol's barrel, and that ammo's performance is just excellent all around. I'm a big fan after going through a couple cases with my Glock 17.
Posted On: 11/19/2018
By: Thad
A: Hi Thad, thank you for your question.
As a general rule any round loaded with a FMJ bullet is a target round. If loaded with an expanding type bullet like a soft point (sp) or hollow point (hp) then it would be classified as defensive or hunting. Round nosed ammo - what we call "ball" ammo - is exclusively for target shooting as it does well at flying straight, but not much else.
As for what we have that is similar to the Winchester 115 gr target rounds, anything you find at this link will be near identical in performance, so the brand itself will come down to personal preference.
US brands like Winchester, Remington and Federal usually come with the most recommendations, but we sell many quality imports as well.