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Posted On: 5/29/2023
By: Mel
A: Yes sir, the P365 XMACRO is rated to safely fire +P ammunition.
Posted On: 5/10/2023
By: Brian C
A: Thanks for reaching out Brian! I absolutely cannot guarantee any kind of performance out of a handgun I haven't personally tested. There's nothing about your setup that leads me to expect you'll be unsatisfied with this ammo's performance. Black Hills makes exceptional ammunition. That said, the force of your firing pin and the geometry of your chamber could both lead to performance issues with HoneyBadger ammo, although I have no reason to suspect that would be the case. I wish I could provide real reassurance that your Canik will like this ammo without testing it out first!
Posted On: 1/2/2023
By: Bill
A: Yes sir! In my experience it feeds with the same reliability as a JHP. That said, every firearm has its quirks, so I cannot guarantee just how efficiently it'll feed in your handgun or PCC.
Posted On: 3/3/2021
By: Emily
A: Thanks for reaching out Emily! SCCY 9mm handguns are rated to safely fire 9mm +P as well. Overpressure ammo like this will wear out your semi-auto's moving parts faster, but that's not something to be concerned about as far as self-defense ammo goes.
Posted On: 10/9/2020
By: Jessica snyder
A: Hi Jessica! This is 9mm +P, which not all 9mm handguns are designed to safely fire. (9mm +P has the same physical dimensions as 9mm, but it's more powerful. Not all handguns can handle that added pressure.)
To answer your question: All S&W handguns are designed to safely fire 9mm +P ammo, and so are Glock's. That means your two weapons could fire this ammo, but I regret that we haven't got it in stock at the moment. I also regret that we haven't got any suitable 9mm ammo for self-defense in stock at this very moment – only frangible, which is more optimized for target practice.
I hope you'll check back in again soon. We're still getting in ammo all the time throughout this ammo drought, and we're updating our site frequently!
Posted On: 5/6/2020
By: Marc
A: None at all, they're the same exact cartridge.
Posted On: 4/16/2020
By: Benny Richard
A: Hello Benny! At the moment we're solely offering this ammunition by the box. You're welcome to order multiple boxes, of course!