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Posted On: 5/19/2021
By: Stephen Osborne
A: Yes sir, this ammo should function perfectly in an M14!
Posted On: 4/29/2021
By: William Van Gorder
A: No sir, 308 Win will not work in a rifle that's chambered for 30-30 Win – two completely different cartridges, I'm afraid. I regret that we haven't got any 30-30 in stock at the moment, but we do update our inventory frequently. I hope you'll check back in again soon!
Posted On: 3/12/2021
By: jack kanouse
A: Thanks for reaching out Jack! You can calculate your shipping costs before placing your order by following these three steps:
Posted On: 11/2/2015
By: Mitch
A: Hello Mitch!
The 150 grain FMJ bullet used in this Aguila ammunition does not contain steel and will not be attracted to a magnet.
Posted On: 3/19/2015
By: Joel Shepard
A: Hello Joel!
The Aguila ammunition is loaded with a standard copper coated, lead core bullet. This round does not contain any steel.