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Posted On: 5/6/2020
By: Sam
A: Hello Sam! By "soft core," I assume they're banning projectiles which contain steel. Magnetic bullets, as they're known, may damage range equipment, create sparks that could start fires, and present a higher chance of dangerous ricocheting. Steel is an economic way to cut down on bullet production costs, and Russian manufacturers very often utilize what is known as the "bi-metal" jacket when they make their ammo. Now, in the case of these particular cartridges, they almost certainly have bi-metal jacket bullets. If your range is indeed banning bullets with steel in them, then they're effectively banning this ammo.
Posted On: 4/17/2020
By: Karlson
A: No sir, we've inspected this ammo to ensure there's no rust on it. If we ever intentionally sell ammo with cosmetic rust spots, we make certain to point it out.
Posted On: 3/27/2020
A: This ammo will function correctly in your Mini-14, absolutely – so long as your model is chambered for it!
Posted On: 1/2/2020
By: Taylor
A: Hi Taylor. Thanks for reaching out to us about the Mixed 7.62x39 ammo. This will mostly be commercially manufactured ammo. We can't guarantee that there won't be any corrosive rounds but to be safe, at this price per round, you can the very few mil-surp rounds found if there are any. There will be very very few, but I can't say for sure due to the nature of the ammo.. Let me know if I can get some on the way to you today. Have a great day.
Posted On: 12/15/2019
By: Trevis Roy
A: Hi Trevis. Thanks for reaching out to us here at These rounds are from our stock that has package damage and we can't sell as new. It takes a while to build up enough to sell this way. Be patient and we will eventually have more. Let me know if I can assist you further in any way. Have a great day.
Posted On: 2/18/2019
By: Bryan
A: Hi Bryan. There will be some of the ammo in these lots that are lacquer coated. These are random mixed ammo from boxes that were torn or otherwise not in perfect condition.