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Posted On: 3/25/2022
A: Yes sir! We can ship this ammo (and any otther ammo) to any address in New Hampshire provided that the named recipient is at least 21 years of age. You can learn more about our service to the Granite State here:
Posted On: 8/10/2021
By: Kao Xiong
A: Yes sir, but I wouldn't recommend its non-expanding bullet for any game larger than coyote. If you're looking for 5.56x45 ammo for deer hunting, then I'd recommend the TSX ammo we have in stock:
Posted On: 3/8/2021
By: Josh
A: Thanks for reaching out Josh! We explain our inability to ship to Chicago here:
Posted On: 3/7/2021
By: Allyn Pratt
A: Thanks for reaching out Allyn! The cartridge I'm looking at has "20" headstamped on its brass, so I'm gathering this lot was manufactured last year. This isn't milsurp, it's IMI's new production M855 for the American civilian market.
Posted On: 3/6/2021
By: Cary Harvey
A: Yes sir, I'm happy to say we can ship ammo freely throughout the great state of Mississippi! You've got to be at least 21 years old to order, but that's it.
Posted On: 3/3/2021
By: andy Concepcion
A: Sure thing Andy, we can ship to the Silver State without restriction. You can read more about our service to Nevada here:
Posted On: 3/1/2021
By: Robert Underwood
A: Thanks for reaching out Robert! Please reach out to our customer service team at 800-317-9506 or for any questions you might have about our shipping service.
Posted On: 2/24/2021
By: Louis
A: Yes sir, M855 isn't considered "armor-piercing" under Texas state law and we can ship right to your doorstep. Lucky Gunner is able to ship ammo to Texas with no known restrictions for customers 21-years-old and older.
Posted On: 2/20/2021
By: 2gunBill
A: Thanks for reaching out! You get 7% off this ammo when you buy 10 boxes or more. Buy one box of 30 and and it's 96.7¢/round. Buy ten boxes and the discount makes it 90.0¢/round.
Posted On: 2/20/2021
By: Justin
A: Thanks for reaching out Justin! We can ship to your doorstep in Maryland so long as you are 21 or older. Local regulations prevent us from shipping to Friendship Heights Village and Takoma Park, however.
Posted On: 2/19/2021
By: NDN patriot
A: No sir, these rounds are packaged loose in their box.
Posted On: 2/18/2021
By: Curtis
A: Yes sir, this is 30 rounds of ammo per box for sure. 20 rounds is definitely the industry standard, but foreign countries like Russia and Israel frequently package ammo in boxes of 30 as well.
Posted On: 2/8/2021
By: Christian
A: I regret that state law prevents us from shipping to California.
Posted On: 2/7/2021
By: Jonathan
A: Yes sir, this ammo should cycle your AR pistol just fine!
Posted On: 2/6/2021
By: Mark
A: Thanks for reaching out Mark! No sir, we don't offer free shipping.
Posted On: 1/29/2021
By: Brett
A: Sure thing Brett! Now, I'm not a lawyer and I'm definitely not qualified to dispense legal advice, but to my knowledge M855 ammo is classified as ball ammo, not armor piercing ammo, in the state of Connecticut. And we can ship this ammo to you! You can read more about our shipping service to CT here: If you have any other questions then I hope you'll reach out to our customer service team at 800-317-9506 or
Posted On: 1/27/2021
By: David
A: Thank you for reaching out David! I am not a lawyer, and nothing I say should be constituted as legal advice. That said, I am unaware of any restrictions preventing civilians from owning M855 ammunition.
This round's bullet contains seven grains of steel. This helps it more reliably penetrate barriers like sheet metal. It also makes the bullet magnetic. Some ranges, especially indoor ranges, ban magnetic bullets because they pose a greater safety hazard. I advise checking with a range before taking magnetic ammo to it.
Unfortunately we have not presently got any nonmagnetic FMJ 5.56 or 223 in stock. (If a cartridge has a steel case, you can assume it has a magnetic bullet unless stated otherwise.) We do update our inventory frequently, however, so I hope you'll check back in again soon to see what we have in store for you!
Posted On: 1/26/2021
By: Dylan
A: Thanks for reaching out Dylan! We can't ship to Buffalo, Rochester or the city; otherwise we can ship to an FFL holder in New York of our customer's choosing. You can read more about our shipping service to New York here: If you've any other questions then I welcome you to reach out to our customer service team at 800-317-9506 or I'm really better qualified to answer questions about ammunition!