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Posted On: 6/20/2022
By: Ed Parker
A: Thanks for reaching out Ed! The full and official name of this cartridge is "5.56x45mm NATO." When you see ammo called 5.56x45mm, 5.56x45 or just 5.56, it's all the same thing as 5.56x45mm NATO. Your M&P15 is specifically designed to fire this ammo. Just take care that the M855 spec cartridge's bullet contains steel, as many commercial ranges prohibit bullets that can attract a magnet.
Posted On: 4/23/2022
By: Daniel Zalink
A: Thanks for reaching out Daniel! I am not qualified to give legal advice, and you should not interpret anything I say as legal advice. That said, it is my understanding that M855 ammunition is indeed legal in the state of New Jersey. Just take care before you order it, because many commercial ranges prohibit bullets which can attract a magnet.