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Posted On: 3/3/2024
By: Rory File
A: Thanks for reaching out Rory! We don't manufacture ammunition. We're just a humble retailer located in Knoxville, TN. Sellier & Bellot's production facility is located in Vlašim, Czech Republic.
Posted On: 9/28/2022
By: Bill Ryan
A: Thanks for reaching out Bill! I'm not quite sure which brand you're accustomed to, because Buffalo Arms, Choice Ammunition, Hornady and Black Hills all have their own Cowboy lines of ammunition. Now, I won't be so bold as to predict which brand of ammunition is going to give you the best accuracy. That largely has to do with the unique nature of your Ruger and personal preferences. The only ammo we have in stock that I'm comfortable suggesting would probably provide better accuracy is the Barnes VOR-TX, because a solid copper bullet's weight is just so evenly distributed. The Fiocchi is fine ammo, don't get me wrong, but I can't predict whether you'll actually find it more accurate than the ammo you're used to!