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Posted On: 12/1/2024
By: Scott Phillips
A: Hi Scott! We've not rtested this ammo in house, but this fella on YouTube graciously conducted a gel test for you:
Posted On: 1/13/2022
By: Jeremy Jensen
A: Thanks for reaching out Jeremy! The 45 ACP XDm is rated for +P, so your pistol should function correctly with this ammo. You may notice snappier recoil while you're firing +P, but otherwise I expect your XDm should handle this ammo just fine!
Posted On: 3/5/2021
A: Thanks for reaching out Eric! I believe this would make fine self-defense ammo for any modern 1911, your Springfield included. I would certainly have advised that you pick the 230 grain bullet and not the 185 grain one, since that's the bullet weight the 1911 was originally designed for. Most importantly Underwood makes very high quality ammo. The solid copper bullets they load are extremely effective, but I personally do favor the traditional JHP as far as the 1911 is concerned. It sounds as though you understand perfectly that overpressure ammo is meant for self-defense and not range training, but I'm glad you intend to test this ammo out while training all the same. Although I expect it to perform flawlessly, I know every firearm is different – even if it's ever so slightly different. If you order this ammo I'll be eager to see your review of it on our site!
Posted On: 3/4/2021
By: Brad
A: Thanks for reaching out Brad! Both of those handguns are rated to safely fire 45 ACP +P ammo as well. Overpressure ammo like this will wear out a semi-auto's moving parts faster, but that's no problem as far as self-defense is concerned.
Posted On: 2/24/2021
By: pr
A: Thanks for reaching out PR! The G36 is rated to fire 45 ACP +P without issue. Any remotely modern Colt 1911 is as well. The older models can handle it just fine when they're in good condition, which I assume yours is since you intend to carry it. I'm confident your handguns will both run this ammo well.
Posted On: 2/24/2021
By: Samuel
A: Yes sir, all of Kimber's handguns are rated to safely fire +P ammo. Just take care that overpressure ammo like this will wear out a semi-auto's moving parts faster, but that's really not of concern for self-defense.
Posted On: 10/13/2020
By: Chuck WALLS
A: Yes sir, the FNX-45 is designed to safely fire 45 ACP +P ammo as well. Overpressure ammo like this will wear out a semi-auto's moving parts faster. You shouldn't rely on it too much for range training, although for self-defense that accelerated wear won't matter!
Posted On: 10/4/2020
By: CG
A: Yes indeed, the Glock 21 is designed to safely fire 45 ACP +P ammo!