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Posted On: 3/20/2020
By: Amanda Powers
A: Thank you for asking, Amanda! We would decline to comment on what the most "lethal" ammo is, but we can tell you about what makes a cartridge "efficient at neutralizing a human-sized threat." There is a lot to this, naturally, but in essence such a cartridge's bullet transfers superior energy quickly and within its target's vital zone. In general, a bullet with less mass has a flatter trajectory (better accuracy). In general, a bullet with greater mass has more of the momentum needed to penetrate deeply. A bullet that penetrates deep enough to pass through its target is actually wasting its energy, as it's expending that energy on the other side of the target. (Furthermore, overpenetration can put innocent bystanders in jeopardy.) A bullet like the HoneyBadger doesn't expand to release its energy -- rather, it creates a vortex of sorts to deliver a wound cavity within target. Because the HoneyBadger doesn't implement a nose cavity to do this, its profile is more conducive to feeding in a semi-automatic pistol and furthermore sharper for deeper and more reliable penetration. You have touched on several complicated topics with your questions, and we hope we've provided at least some guidance. Please reach out if we may explain more to you!