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Posted On: 6/6/2022
By: Dewain
A: Yes sir, right here:
Posted On: 1/6/2022
By: Bryon
A: Thanks for reaching out Byron! As a general rule, you want your self-defense round to strike the target with 220 to 300 ft lbs of kinetic energy. This round's high-velocity lightweight bullet certainly satisfies that criterion! A bullet which expands as it penetrates soft tissue is also ideal. This round's frangible bullet may fragment as it penetrates soft tissue, but it will not expand. Furthermore, although a frangible bullet poses a lower risk of overpenetration which could jeopardize innocent bystanders, it is still capable of penetrating a human-sized target and several layers of wallboard. But to be sure, our own military issues ammo with non-expanding FMJ bullets, so the non-expanding frangible bullet's terminal ballistics are certainly capable of effectively neutralizing a threat as well. If part of your self-defense strategy is to take every reasonable measure against overpenetration as you're able, then frangible ammo like this would indeed prove effective for personal protection.