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Posted On: 7/4/2019
By: Tom Kunz
A: Hi Tom. Federal's new TSJ round claims to increase barrel life by reducing friction, thereby reducing barrel heat. It does keep the bore cleaner than conventional jacketed or plated bullets since there is no lead or copper in contact with the bore as the bullet travels down the barrel. The reduction of friction is 12%, so there is a bit less recoil, but whether or not a shooter will be aware of that depends on his experience and sensitivity to recoil. There is not real downside. The only minus (and this is very small) is that there are less expensive choices for target use although the difference is usually only about 2 cents a round or less. On the whole, I fully intend to choose these the next cases of range ammo I pick up personally just for the cleaner shooting round. Cleaning your guns is like gutting the fish you catch. Necessary, but by far the least fun part of the day!