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Posted On: 1/28/2023
By: Tony
A: Thanks for reaching out Tony! That is inexplicable, because Speer packages the same ammunition in 20- and 50-round boxes. Please share the video with me so I can take a look and try to make sense of this!
Posted On: 6/4/2021
By: John K
A: Odd indeed – I admit there may have been some peculiar defect with that lot of ammo, because Speer Gold Dot is without question some of the finest self-defense ammo on the market! But those were our results, and we don't try to hide anything when it comes to our wares. Unfortunately Speer hasn't published their own ballistic gel test data for this ammo (which they usually do on, so our own data is the best I have to offer!
Posted On: 6/3/2021
By: John K
A: Thanks for reaching out John! We did in fact not witness very dramatic expansion from this ammunition. Still effective for self-defense, but the interesting results of our ballistic gel test should be taken into consideration if you plan on using this ammo: