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Posted On: 12/2/2021
By: Bobbie
A: Thanks for reaching out Bobbie! I'm afraid the polymer matrix self-defense bullet just hasn't become very popular owing to its novelty and lack of real world results. Shooters know and trust the JHP, and few are willing to stake their personal safety on a bullet that cops and military officers haven't embraced. From what I've seen the ARX works great, so it's unfortunate that the market didn't embrace it enough to give it a wider reach. Perhaps that will change in time, but for now low demand appears to keep this ammo rather scarce. We'll certainly stock it again as soon as we have the opportunity, and we update our inventroy frequently. I hope you'll check back in again soon!
Posted On: 8/12/2019
By: Christopher
A: Hi Christopher. The ARX round features a unique bullet design and composition. The 88 grain bullet is a copper/polymer composite allowing for a much lighter than typical projectile to reach higher velocities than your standard 165-180 grain projectiles in a .40 SW. The composition allows the bullet to reach adequate penetration depths and reduces the possibility of over-penetration. This is a concern when firing a self-defense round "off range". As to the actual street use of the round, we cannot speak to the effectiveness of the round compared to the common hollow point or soft point ammo since there is only laboratory testing data available.
Posted On: 8/11/2019
By: Christopher
A: Hi Christopher. The ARX rounds are loaded with a copper/polymer constructed bullet. This allow for a much higher velocity round that one would typically see in the .40 cal ammo. The manufacturer claims that the unique shape projectile will increase the terminal ballistic damage of the round.