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Posted On: 11/16/2024
By: Greg
A: Yessir, it's guaranteed brass.
Posted On: 5/19/2020
By: Brett
A: Thanks for reaching out, Brett! The issue basically boils down like this. Some airweight revolvers like the K6S create recoil that is capable of pulling bullets away from their casings. Basically, the rounds in the cylinder are subjected to a jarring enough force that their bullets can get jerked outward a little bit. If a bullet comes to protrude too much as the result of this, it can cause the cylinder to stop rotating freely. A serious problem when that happens, as you might imagine. Now, these rounds here are not roll crimped, which would have helped prevent their bullets from shifting out of place. We wish Federal would roll crimp them, but so far that’s just not the case. Personally, I’ve run a lot of different ammo through my S&W 642 and have never encountered this problem, but it does occur nevertheless. If I may explain anything else please don’t hesitate to ask!
Posted On: 1/8/2020
By: NV Man
A: Hi! You are correct. I do know that this has been brought to Federals attention many times, at least twice by myself. It is anyone's guess why they don't do this. I would carry this load in a NY second if it didn't lock up Airweight revolvers.