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Posted On: 6/23/2023
By: Cameron
A: Yes sir. I own that revolver, and I have tried this ammunition in it, and it satisfied my expectations in full. A good low-recoil load for such a lightweight revolver, in my estimation – quite easy to keep the sights trained on the target.
Posted On: 9/16/2022
By: Bill
A: Thanks for reaching out Bill! We'll update this ammo's price tag as soon as we get more back in stock. We update our inventory practically daily, so I hope you'll check back in again soon. In the meantime I also hope you'll check out the 38 Special we currently have in our warehouse:
Posted On: 10/16/2014
By: rc
A: Hello RC,
This ammunition is not +P rated. You will have no issues with that ammunition out of a standard .38 special revolver.