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Posted On: 6/13/2022
By: Gary Askew
A: Thanks for reaching out Gary! I cannot promise when we'll get more of a certain type of ammo in stock. Much of what we're able to put in our warehouse depends on what the manufacturers and our suppliers are up to. We do update our inventory constantly, though, so I hope you'll check back in again soon. That said, we have currently got one option for you in both of those calibers:
Posted On: 10/14/2021
By: Craig Williams
A: Thanks for reaching out Craig! Generally speaking, a lighter bullet generates less felt recoil, follows a flatter trajectory, and deals less damage to its target. Speaking just as generally, a heavier bullet has heavier kick, follows a steeper trajectory (but also retains relatively more momentum at distances you're not likely to fire a handgun over), and deals more damage to its target. However, you will find that any 357 Mag bullet weight delivers more than enough power to neutralize a threat at close range (i.e. the distance you would defend yourself over). Ultimately, the most important criterion to selecting a bullet weight is what you prefer firing at the range. The differences are subtle, so it boils down to preference. In short, any 357 Mag ammo with hollow point bullets should prove more than capable of producing the results you would want for personal protection.
Posted On: 3/25/2021
By: Domenic Scena
A: Thanks for reaching out Domenic! I'm afraid I can't in all fairness promise when we'll get more 357 Mag in stock, nor do we alert our customers when we get ammo. We have got a couple good options for 38 Special, though, which any 357 Magnum revolver can fire as well. I hope you'll take a look: