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Posted On: 2/6/2023
By: Spencer Weiss
A: Thanks for reaching out Spencer! The 32 ACP is specifically designed for semi-automatic firearms, which is why I'm confident saying this ammo will not work in your revolver. That said, I'm afraid I can't say for certain which round your .32 cal revolver is in fact chambered for. If it's 32 S&W Long, then it can fire 32 S&W (aka 32 S&W Short) or 32 S&W Long (aka 32 Long). If it's chambered for 32 H&R Magnum (which is unlikely, because you say your revolver is old and that round came out in 1984) then it can fire 32 Magnum, 32 S&W and 32 Long. It is also possible for an old revolver to be chambered for 32 Long Colt, although it is relatively uncommon. I wish I could be of greater help!
Posted On: 9/2/2021
By: Greg Hopkins
A: Yes sir, this is indeed the correct ammo for the LWS!
Posted On: 6/30/2021
By: Thad Slaughter
A: Thanks for reaching out Thad – and for pointing out that we were missing that data. I just updated the page.