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Posted On: 10/28/2021
By: Duane
A: Thanks for reaching out Duane! I couldn't imagine why a Henry would have any problems with this ammo, so I reached out to my contact at Henry and asked him about it. He said this ammo should work just fine in one of their 30-30s!
Posted On: 5/2/2021
By: Stephen Cantrell
A: Thanks for reaching out Stephen! I cannot promise exactly when we'll get a certain type of ammunition back in stock. We do update our inventory very often, so I hope you'll check back in again soon!
Posted On: 1/4/2021
By: Ray
A: Thanks for reaching out Ray! We haven't got a system in place to alert our customers when ammo is back in stock, but our inventory does update frequently. I hope you'll check in again soon to see what we can do for you in the 30-30 department!
Posted On: 12/21/2020
By: Ron
A: Hi Ron! I won't be able to say until we get some in stock. We'll update this ammo's price tag as soon as we get more in store.