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Posted On: 5/11/2020
By: John in Mount Airy
A: Hello John! If it's a classic M1, that's an old gas rifle with fairly specific port pressures. You may only want to run M2 ball mil-surplus or equivalent ammo through it. A lot of shooters say you can get away with any ammo with a 180 grain bullet or lighter, though. Now, it isn't soft point, but we do have ammo specifically for the M1 in stock:
A 1903 Springfield actually has a super strong action, and should be able to handle any modern factory loaded ammunition. Models with really low serial numbers might be iffy, but since yours is probably from WWII this ammo would serve your Springfield well.
Posted On: 3/22/2017
By: Dan
A: Hello Dan,
This ammunition is loaded with a lead core, copper jacketed soft point projectile. It does not contain steel and will have no issues passing a magnet test.