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Posted On: 8/9/2018
By: curtis kreutzberg
A: The .224 Valkyrie is essentially a necked down .30 Rem round with a slim .22-caliber bullet. While it may have commonalities with the .223, there are differences. You must remove the barrel and the bolt from your AR-15 .223 build and replace with a .224 rated barrel and bolt. With that being stated, top reloading manufacturers, such as Lee Precision, offer separate reloading dies for the .223 and the .224 Valkyrie. The question is not if the .223 seat and crimp die will work on the .224 Valkyrie, but if they will work safely. So, to answer your question, we would recommend using a die set which is specifically manufactured for the .224 Valkyrie when reloading.