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Posted On: 9/27/2020
By: Joe Maurer
A: Hello Joe! I'd only recommend this ammo for home defense if there was no better alternative. We haven't got any buckshot loads in stock right now, and while we do update our inventory frequently I understand why you'd want to order some home defense ammo right away.
This ammo is meant for bird hunting. It doesn't offer much stopping power over longer distances, and its small shot pellets don't have comparatively much momentum for deep penetration. That said, this shell's shot would deliver a combined 1,666 ft lbs of energy at close range (which is like about times more than the minimum recommended for self-defense), it's more than capable of killing a human-sized threat at close range, and it's less likely to penetrate multiple walls (good if you have neighbors). As someone who used #9 shot for home defense back when I lived in an apartment, I'd say this ammo could absolutely neutralize a threat with careful aim at close range.
I'd recommend the #3 shot we have in stock over the #4: Its slightly larger pellets are going to create accordingly larger wound channels, which you'll want for a better chance of fast neutralization of a threat.