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Posted On: 6/11/2020
By: W. D. Kuykendall
A: Gosh, my Model 12 can gobble up anything I dare chamber in it, but I don't know how old your shotgun is or enough else about it to promise what it can and can't run! I would guess that this ammo, which isn't loaded to extreme specifications, should work just fine in your M12, but you'll understand why I just can't make any guarantees. I do reckon the fella with the longest whiskers behind the counter at your local gun store could give you a much better hands-on assessment!
Posted On: 6/5/2020
By: Tom
A: Hi Tom! I'm taking a look at the Model 1100's operating manual, and it gives instructions on using 3" loads like these ones. That could only indicate that the shotgun is designed to handle them. These shells are certainly powerful enough to cycle an autoloader as well. Here's the manual in question if you'd like to take a look – I hope this helps!