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Posted On: 9/4/2022
By: Jason X
A: Yes sir, absolutely! A pump-action like the M590 should cycle this ammunition great.
Posted On: 9/4/2022
By: Jason X
A: Thanks for reaching out Jason! There are two types of shotguns: those that have rifled bores, and those that have smooth bores. Rifled slugs are designed for smoothbore shotguns; sabot slugs are designed for rifled bore shotguns (it sounds unintuitive, I know, but that's just how it is). A rifled slug may damage a rifled bore shotgun. A sabot slug won't harm a smoothbore, but the accuracy would be absolutely atrocious! So long as your 12ga shotgun has a smooth bore, then this ammunition should function correctly in it.
Posted On: 9/4/2022
By: Junior Morgan
A: Hi Junior. Yes, these slugs are lead.
Posted On: 8/11/2022
By: Tom Polkowski
A: Thanks for reaching out Tom! I am not an attorney. I am not qualified to dispense legal advice, and no information on is meant to be taken as legal advice. With that out of the way, this is hollow point ammunition. It is my understanding that you are allowed to possess hollow point ammo in New Jersey at your home, when you are bringing it to your home, and under certain other narrow conditions. This website explains New Jersey's hollow point laws better than I could, although it too should not be considered a substitute for an attorney's advice: