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Posted On: 11/29/2021
By: Jason
A: Thanks for reaching out Jason! Citadel advises using cylinder or improved cylinder chokes for rifled slugs.
Posted On: 8/16/2021
By: Larry venezia
A: Thanks for reaching out Larry! It's not advisable – at best you'll get terrible accuracy, and at worst you'll damage your barrel's rifling. Counterintuitive as it might sound, you want rifled slugs for a smoothbore and sabot slugs for a rifled barrel. I regret that we haven't currently got any sabot slugs in stock, but we do update our inventory frequently. I hope you'll check back in again soon!
Posted On: 6/21/2021
By: SH
A: Thanks for reaching out SH! Should work just great. A pump Bullpup can gobble down any kind of ammo, these shells included.
Posted On: 5/30/2021
By: LG
A: No sir, this slug is pretty much par for the course as far as its recoil is concerned.
Posted On: 5/11/2021
By: VN
A: Hello there! MV = 1,312 fps, ME = 1,672 ft lbs