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Posted On: 10/20/2020
By: Michael Angelo
A: Thanks for reaching out Michael! Theoretically, if you were at very close range, and you placed this shell's full ounce of shot in a threat's chest or head, you would neutralize said threat. That said, I'd advise against using #7.5 shot for home defense. Hunters like this size shot because it will kill small birds without mangling their trophies beyond recognition. You might imagine that kind of performance isn't ideal for stopping a tenacious, intoxicated 250 pound attacker.
Now, the most popular shot for home defense is 00 buck. That's an 0.33" diameter shot pellet as opposed to 0.095" diameter – HUGE difference. I'm happy to say we've got three options in stock at this very moment: If it were me, I'd go with the Nobel Sport LE ammo. Twelve pellets of 00 buck at a muzzle velocity of 1,290 is going to stop pretty much anything dead in its tracks.
I hope this helps, and please let me know if you've got any more questions!