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Posted On: 10/31/2022
By: Philip Franco
A: Thanks for reaching out Philip! That's an easy answer: no. #7.5 lead shot is preferred for pastimes like trap shooting and hunting small birds. Not to say that this shell couldn't neutralize a threat to your safety, but you really want something that's able to do the job quickly (i.e. without giving your attacker an opportunity to retaliate against you). The cops use one of two different type of shotshell projectiles in the field: slug, and 00 buckshot. I recommend 00 buck for home defense, since it strikes in a wider pattern and therefore gives you some margin of error with your aim (a huge advantage during a high-stress self-defense scenario). If you want what I consider to be the very best 12 Gauge ammo for home defense, then I'm happy to say we have it in stock by the box: