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Posted On: 8/18/2021
By: AJ corso
A: Thanks for reaching out AJ! We don't have this ammo in stock right now, but we have got three other #7-1/2 shot loads in stock. I hope you'll take a look!
Posted On: 1/15/2020
By: MC
A: Hi, MC. Thanks for your question. These are loaded with #8 shot. Due to its small size, #8 shot is usually used for shooting trap, skeet, and sporting clays. It is not generally used for hunting, although it can be effective for hunting varmints and small birds such as doves and quails under the right circumstances. If you are looking for bird shot, you will want to stick with #7 or #7.5 shot. If you are looking for buckshot, you will want #00 buck shot. Thanks again for your question!