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Posted On: 11/30/2023
By: Ron Krause
A: Hi Ron! Thanks for so many kind words, truly appreciate it. I have to preface by warning that over-penetration is always a possibility. No ammo can eliminate that risk. That said, this is a light load, with a lower muzzle velocity and lighter eight-pellet column that could contribute to a reduced risk of over-penetration. That's relative to a magnum load, which can deliver more pellets to its target a whole lot faster. As to whether this shell could effectively stop a threat at 3-5 yards? Absolutely.
Posted On: 3/1/2022
By: Dennis Bass
A: Thanks for reaching out Den! We're not offering this ammo by the case at this time. I hope you'll take a look at our other cases of 12ga double-aught instead!
Posted On: 7/2/2020
By: Adrian Delgado
A: Hi Adrian! We do not have a system in place to alert our customers when ammo has returned to our site. We do intend to offer this ammo again soon, however, and we update our site whenever our inventory changes. I hope you'll check back in with us soon to see how we may be of better service to you!
Posted On: 5/7/2020
By: Eric J Williams
A: Thanks for reaching out, Eric! We haven't got a system in place to alert our customers once a product returns to our site. We do plan to keep offering this ammo in the future, and we also have other 00 buck loads returning to our site shortly. Please check in with us again soon!