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Posted On: 7/23/2020
By: Angel Cruz
A: It is entirely possible. I mean, the newest pistol cartridge cartridge to become truly successful was the 40 S&W, and that came out 30 years ago. But look at the 357 SIG – almost no one uses that, and it sticks around. The 45 GAP might benefit from the fact that it was developed specifically for Glock, who have the resources to do whatever they want, and some police departments still use it. I guess I really can't say, but there are more than enough obsolete cartridges out there to suspect the 45 GAP may one day go the way of the dodo. Handloaders will keep it alive in spirit, though, and a company like Sellier & Bellot always might release limited batches of the 45 GAP when they calculate that it's in high enough demand among G37 owners. In the end I'd say the 45 GAP has a few good decades ahead of it.