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Posted On: 2/7/2021
By: Douglas Vines
A: Thanks for reaching out Douglas! This round's bullet isn't designed to spin or tumble. It flies straight until it meets its target tip-first. If it enters soft tissue, its nose cavity will force the bullet to expand rapidly, thus creating a wide wound channel while simultaneously exerting its energy outward. It basically does this inside of soft tissue:
Posted On: 12/5/2020
By: gary muscatell
A: Yes sir! Glock's handguns are designed to safely fire +P ammo that meets SAAMI specs, like this ammo. Overpressure ammo will wear out your handgun's moving parts faster, but that's hardly a problem as far as self-defense is concerned.
Posted On: 3/20/2020
By: Anthony L Roberson
A: Thanks for asking, Anthony! By all means do ask an expert whether a particular 1911 is rated to handle overpressure ammunition. Your weapon's manual ought to touch on that point as well. Some manufacturers advise against using +P ammo because it accelerates wear and tear on the weapon. This isn't necessarily to say that the weapon is incapable of safely firing +P rounds, but you certainly want to heed the manufacturer's advice.
Posted On: 9/20/2018
By: Austin
A: The easiest way to explain it is the amount of powder load in the shell. +P ammo is loaded what some refer to as "hotter". This typically results in more velocity, more impact energy and almost always more of a felt recoil impulse. Keep in mind that not all firearms are rated for +P ammunition. Be sure to check with your specific manufacturer or a qualified and competent gunsmith before use.
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